difficult killing someone on a road with no cars whatsoever (other than the pricks in the beamer sitting in a side road), no pedestrians and no cyclists. in fact noone but me.

i always pull over - this time i intended to also
First off, it is only right that I declare my impartiality in the matter of driving whilst using a mobile. No matter for how short a time or distance.

A friend of mine was killed by someone driving whilst using a mobile.

Anyone who uses a mobile whilst driving is putting their life and the lives of others at risk. There are no ifs or buts. For the sake of less than 100 yards the phone can either go to voicemail or be answered a few rings later. If the call is an emergency the caller will either call back, or leave a message. If it isn't then it is not that important.

I agree to a point. There is no real excuses to use a mobile phone on the road. I do however have an in car system installed and do use it everyday. There are many things that the government is taking too far but there has been many deaths due to people driving like idiots and using a phone.
But what about next time someone using their mobile intends to pull over and does cause an accident? We all get into bad habits and perhaps getting caught and fined makes people think twice the next time.

Don't get me wrong, there are many areas where I believe the police (both traffic and normal) need to improve and perhaps a strong bollocking may have been just as appropriate in your case, Carpy, but letting people get away with using mobiles whilst driving is not an area of improvement.

I would also bet that nobody who has had an accident whilst using a mobile thought it would ever happen to them.
I have found the UK police especially traffic cops to be fair if I have been decent with them I have always recieved a friendly response with some help above and beyond in certain cases. I do have sympathy for them as they do have a ****e job but hey they are paid well for it. Im not a huge fan of some of the other people that are working with the police but that is down to some I met that were ****wits trying to give me grief over towing a tailer they clearly had no idea and I showed them up a bit at the local boy racer night when they were out wandering about trying to fit in.
They did not appreciate me and Me them. I lost all respect for the Tw**s. They tried to stop me moving my Landy but I drove over the kerb while they took my plate down and said I tried to run them over. Luckily It was being witnessed by an ex copper I knew that told them to feck off before he called their boss
thats the thing - sometimes its taken too far - quotas being one of these steps too far. yes i shouldnt have picked it up but honestly - 3 points and 60 quid is a bit steep - especially given the circumstances. i have met a few decent coppers but the vast majority are prats in my experience
OK, I know that you get bad coppers. God knows I've met a few, been nicked by a few as well. The vast majority of them are decent and just doing their job. It's the fact that the bad ones generate so much publicity that gives the rest a bad name!

Most of the coppers I have met and had dealings with have been pretty good (with the exception of my ex wife who was the bitch queen from hell). Trouble is... if something is clearly illegal, and they see it... they are gonna nick yer for it. We all risk a fine every time we answer the phone while driving... law of probablility says we gonna get nicked for it sooner or later. That doesn't make them arseholes.

Riding a bike for such a long time as a despatch rider, we got used to spotting the "plain" police cars and looking for those little give-away clues. Twin antenna... two rear view mirrors at the front, lights behind the grill, that sort of thing.

Trouble is when you're busy on the phone you might not get a chance to notice ;)
unmarked beamer .....

well i have just found a very cheap sj with towing dolly - fully kitted out. i am bloody skint and was planning on new tyres for the 110 but i am crazy tempted by this sj!

**** i need cash quick - anyone wanna put 300 into it and part own an sj;) hahaha
London is full of unmarked beemers.

I overtook a green Mondeo at 85mph when I had a piece of crap Vauxhall nova balls out. (late for work) my seatbelt was off I completly forgot abut it and put it on as I overtook. He followed me and pulled me over saying I had no insurance and he couldn't see my tax disk. Anyway the tax disk had fallen down, it wasn't on the insurance system as it was added to my landy insurance so fair pull. He would't believe me about the add on insurance so he phoned my insurance company. he went away not so happy but I am glad he pulled me cos that could have been an uninsured un taxed idiot in an old banger blatting about. Luckily. He said in that case sir I never got your speed but you were a little fast just be aware of this and a wink of the eye. I cant say fairer than that gave me a stop ticket and went hapily on his way. When I told him I was on my way to fit a gun cabinet and I was late he was most helpful to get it done asap.
Mr Popular here,
Before i start this is not intended to cause offence to anyone, so appologies if it does.

From the plod eye view, we all have a job to do, break the law and well that it isnt it, your breaking the law, if you break it, and you get caught its tough luck, Yes there are millions of uninsured drivers out there, yes there are millions that drive illegally on our roads, however there are a very small ammount of police officers on the street and able to deal with it.

I'm sorry and no offence meant to anyone this is a general statement, you break the law, u get caught, you need to suck it up and admit you done wrong, 90% of coppers are fair and decent every day people, but as in life there are some wakners out there. If it was a driver that was on the phone and then got pulled over and had no insurance, no tax no license would we be nazi's then? no i dont think so.

Give the plod a break, we're all working our asses off to stop innocent people being killed by idiots who think its ok to break the law.

I lost a very good mate who was hit by a driver on the phone at 4am on a quiet street.
You do not know whats round the next corner, Let it ring off and call em back.

Again sorry no offence to anyone, but i do not appreciate being called a nazi amongst other discriminatory names for doing a decent and hard working everyday job!

I though the Hertfordshire laners and assoicates were better than that.

Hope your all well. and hopefully see you all soon.

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well well well...............3 holes in the ground.

Lol hows you Dan? Bet ur workin hard. Hows the landy goin'
As for the UK police they can be arseholes but I would be an arsehole after dealing with the hundreds of 17/18/20 year old drunks over doing it being idiots after closing time.

As for my badexperience i saw the same guy in his community support vehicle wheel spinning at the last boy racer night Feckin Idiot I wish I slapped him now.
dan i appreciate your point of view - i have to say my overall opinion of the police force is low for a variety of reasons. prime example of bad dealings with them is after a west ham football match, walking back to the tube in a crowd of thousands. police bike behind us driving nice and sedately, and a fair few elderly people walking. this police officer decides the best way to disperse the crowd so he can get through (bear in mind this was NOT an emergency call but just an impatient cop wanting to get past) is to switch on the sirens, in doing so causing an elderly man to fall over. when then asked what his problem was and why he felt the need to do that he proceeded to give no explanation, and furthermore cautioned a good 10 people because he felt he was at imminent risk (further resulting in his getting out his baton - to a group of men, women and kids showing absolutely no signs or aggression)

these 2 coppers openly admitted they had a quota to fulfill - not the way the police force should work because it results in coppers feeling under pressure to produce results.

i think my main issue was these 2 extremely uppity fellows that stopped me could have possibly just given me a warning, given i was doing about 20mph on a straight road looknig for somewhere to pull over - heck they didnt even pull me over - i pulled over and started talking only to find that the plods had pulled up behind me.

im sure there are good policemen out there, i have no question about it, but from my experiences the majority i have spoken with are power hungry and for want of a better description positively nazi like.

again i am trying not to tar you all with the same brush as a friend of mine is a copper - and i frequently talk to him abotu it and he often tends to agree - what are your views on it?
All i'm saying is i dont appreciate calling us ALL nazi's, i dont think i've ever done wrong by anyone on this forum, and as far as i see it there is a time to be fair and a time to be an arsehole.
Carpy, am happy to discuss my views with you, just not on an open forum that anyone can see if you get my drift.
drop us pm or an e-mail if u like,
is anyone out this weekend? I'm sooooooooooooooo bored!


I'm fine thanks mate. and yourself?

Dan, I know how hard it is for those in the job. I also know, as you say, that in any walk of life there can be utter knob jockeys.

If Carpy posting here about his experience makes others think twice before using their mobile when driving and you posting makes people realise how hard the police work for such little gratitude and a great deal of abuse then the end result has to be a good one for all.

Now, on to more pleasant matters. I think we need to arrange a BBQ before the summer is over. Anyone up for such a thing?
yea BBQ, i love BBQ's :) i would offer to host as free house next week, but majority of u lot are bedfordshire way, so would be a bit of a drive accross to south herts, i'm happy to travel uo to you lot though, :)
yup - out in herts laning, probably do furneaux pelham also, and then the farmers mudhole we have permission to **** around in. at the moment the list stands at redwings (prob) me, booger and b3aker - with spyderman another poss

next sunday after whaddon i might just do a bbq at my place - purely to get one back on the neighbour that left a note on my car telling me to remove this junk from the road (texed mot'd and insured vehicle!)

so some muddy off roaders would be great - will keep everyone posted on it!
All i'm saying is i dont appreciate calling us ALL nazi's, i dont think i've ever done wrong by anyone on this forum, and as far as i see it there is a time to be fair and a time to be an arsehole.
Carpy, am happy to discuss my views with you, just not on an open forum that anyone can see if you get my drift.
drop us pm or an e-mail if u like,
is anyone out this weekend? I'm sooooooooooooooo bored!


I'm fine thanks mate. and yourself?


I'm sure Carpy didn't mean he thought anyone on this forum was a nazi, he was generalising, and that never means everyone.

If you were a Muslim on september the 12th you would have felt very unloved, and that's because it is human nature to demonise a group when they have even a few high profile bad apples :

And lets face it :

Shooting a brazlian electrician because of incompetance,
Beating (and subsequently killing) a newspaper seller for no reason,
Arresting a photographer for being to tall (recent press),

and I'm not going to look for more examples, but I'm sure there are many.

Add to that just one personal experience of police being overly aggressive or unpleasent, and I have had such an experience, (as have many other people/google I hate the police) then it's very easy to come to the conclusion that Police are all the same.

Dan I'm sure I'd like you personally if I met you, hell you have a Land Rover, but I'm not going to change my perception of the entire police just because I know one nice policeman.

I'm sure there were nice people, clerks and cleaners working in the Nazi party in 1939 :)

There is a problem with Police PR in this country, and the only people that can change it are the Police. I can only compare the UK to South Africa, because it is the only other country I have lived in, but in 30 years living in South Africa. I never heard one person say he hated the police. Here I hear it all the time.

So it's not a personal attack on you or anyone else, but the Police need to work on their PR.

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