I can neither agree or disagree with boogers statement, due to eyes that watch the forums all i can say is that i wont be in the police for much longer........ i'm off to the London Ambulance Service instead :)

And just to clarify............. i'm not a police officer, I'm a police civilian, an no not a plastic policeman, i'm a radio operator. but i do stand by what i said, police as a whole have a job to do, so if you break the law, tough doo doo, get over it :)

Hi Dan, how you doing? I agree totaly with your sentiments old bill got no chance and cant do right for doing wrong. Did you get what you texted me about? if not I might have something of interest for you.
There are good and bad in every profession, but I've always asked myself, why do people join the Police force? My feeling is that they do it, not because they want to help society, but that they want a secure job, early retirement and more importantly a feeling of empowerment of their fellow man.
Quite often I see the Police as one rule for us, one for you.

They have a difficult job, made more difficult by their own attitude.
Can I say I'd rather we just leave all this police stuff behind and move on? I'd rather talk about Land Rovers and green laning and how I saw a series in beautiful condition on my way home the other day.
Oooh very interesting. Funnily enough I never did get on with the O.B. One thing a very good friend of mine in the force said:


That's what it's about. Remember that next time you're stopped. :5brant:
Well My uncle just drove his lovley RR classic complete with bloody heavy boat into my Bros discovery down in Devon so now were hiring a trailer to go get it Nice thats Saturday sirted then and I was going to be bored not!!
They have a difficult job, made more difficult by their own attitude.

Very Profound ;)

I just got a whole bucketload of bits for the truck cab in the post, new flat grill and radiator muff, to keep the mud out (allegedly), snorkel, air filter (cause the current one is full of mud for some reason), engine oil and filters, new axle breather (cause the current one got decappitated somehow), and a stronger steering guard to replace the "got bent on it's first trip out one."

With a bit of luck I will have it all fitted tomorrow ready for Sundays debauchery :D
Hi folks... well I thought it was time to sort out the CB radio on Gill, my disco today. Off we went to letchworth and walked into the nice Rocket Radio. "Can I help you?" the nice ole fella at the desk asked,

"Yes, I'd like some RG58 Coax complete with DV27 plug and PL259 plug please",

"How long do you want it?",

"Oh I'd like to keep it..." well the smart little jest was out of my mouth before i could stop it!

To my amazement the geezer started turning purple and got really ****ty about m,e wasting his time!

"I always try to approach people with a little lightheartedness" I told him, "It's better than talking to everyone like a depressing old trout!"

He asked me to leave and wouldn't serve me. My missus went in to buy the bits instead!

I couldn't understand why he was so ****ed off! Not until I told the wife what I had said about the trout bit and she reminded me that his wonky eye and shape of face made him look just like one!


they are a little on the wide side i agree. it was more of an impulse thing - in a warehouse full of tyres i saw them and borderline started salivating - so i kinda knew i had to chuck em on my truck

they are too big for optimal performance whilst laning, they will still suffice!

ok sunday plans :

meet 09.30 at south mimms services?

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