Thats hardcore, so how tall are your current tyres ??

Same size 9.00x16 but mine are only 36" tall. Tread on the Fedima's are massive. I'd have to do a few more modifications to get them on though. Worth it I think. I'd start with Parabolics on the back, plus I'd have to remodel the inner tub as the tyres already rub very slightly on full articulation.
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Same size 9.00x16 but mine are only 36" tall. Tread on the Fedima's are massive. I'd have to do a few more modifications to get them on though. Worth it I think. I'd start with Parabolics on the back, plus I'd have to remodel the inner tub as the tyres already rub very slightly on full articulation.

I have to say when I see you landy I get ground clearance envy :D
whaddon sounds like a plan weekend after next tho may have a mate in a standard vitara to play with

yep i might well be up for that, and no worries with the vitara, all the better you are there so if/when he does drive up the various **** creeks there he can get pulled out i guess!

Hey Darren,

Very keen to go somewhere good, just not sure where, I'll get on the net and have a look :D

Hey Carpy,

Thanks for the offer, but I had an Indian last night.

Tonight I'm gonna have a China Man

and tomorrow a little Mexcian :rolleyes:

i dont know of any pay and plays open this weekend, but we could always do some laning in the herts, cambs essex area. i got maps all over, and im sure some others will be up for it
I will be there lots to do for beginners and experienced drivers alike this is run by the Anglisn Land Rover Club. Membership and event fee will be required to take part but anyone can watch for free. I think its about £20 to join and £15-20 on the day
I wanted to go to that comp with the ALRC but I am going to Walking with Dinosaurs on Saturday and then my parents are up on Sunday.

One day I'll get out again
anyways this last week been looking more seriously into prices for driving to the south of spain. I have talked with many of you about such a trip mostly with Gibbophil, Stacey. all I can say is it can be quite reasonable dependant on what deals you get on ferry/toll/fuel etc. Then how far is the south of Spain from North Africa not too far about 400 euroes to cross so again not mega silly oh so tempted will now spend more time preping the 90 for such a trip and less time abusing it me thinks
You'll be needing one of us along to rescue you then;):D

i seem to remember it was actually the 2 of us doing the rescuing of max's motor last time we went to that mud hole actually! we shall see, come along, booger is certainly not wrong there \/ cept he is incorrent on thinknig you are probably correct ;) i would like to think with a little nicer ground clearance i shouldnt be getting stuck whilst laning without either taking an extremely poor line or without being extremely stupid :D

You are probably correct, whatever happens, we guarantee fantastic entertainment value.. :D
greenlaning nobody should get stuck, if somone does it either because of 2 things: the ground conditions are not suitable to be driven without causing damage to the lane,


The person has driven a bad line and or has a no suitable vehicle.

Bare in mind real landys (not gaylanders) with 750,s should easily drive all lanes without a problem if you need huge tyres lifts, dislocating bollix and simex type tyres you need to question what you are doing this is not Greenlaning this is adding fuel for the anti's and therefor hastening how quick we loose vehicular rights.

Yes i do have big tyres (not too Agressive tho they are kept for competing) and a lift, its because I tend to do alot of recovery work usually at comps where motors are on their side in the middle of a swamp or somwhere quite fun and
750,s would be pointless. It also keeps the sankey sitting straight which is a grand bonus.
yea i would tend to agree in theory also - though i do remember distinctly grounding out near santa pod really nicely with my rear diff acting more as a ground anchor - its those situations where a little more clearance would be nice

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