Heheheh, you is soon gonna be another of my best mates ... got a shed-load of radius, trailing and A-arm bushes to change .. ;)
Yeah, There will be a few power upgrades I think :D How many depends how flush I am. (short arms deep pockets :eek:)

Going to keep the compressor and run air assist clutch. Wouldn't bother but I've got the compressor already on the engine the air tanks and a **** load of pipe. So might as well for little or no cost.

thay pump and turbo should respond well to the same tuning we do to the 300tdi's.

Good point about the clutch, the standard DAF 45 clutch is VERY heavy until the air pressure builds up.
nice press, having the right tools make the jobs so much easier. i am a big fan of getting the right tool for the job :)
You are crackers... but in a good way!

Ha, Cheers mate :p

thay pump and turbo should respond well to the same tuning we do to the 300tdi's.

Good point about the clutch, the standard DAF 45 clutch is VERY heavy until the air pressure builds up.

Yes it should, Well I'm hoping so :D

nice press, having the right tools make the jobs so much easier. i am a big fan of getting the right tool for the job :)

Yep, I agree, Just ends up costing me a lot of money though :eek:
Seem to be doing loads as of late and getting nowhere :(
Probably because I'm splitting stuff to sell/keep, Moving stuff from pillar to post trying to tidy up, Chopping old chassis up etc. Just annoying.

Head's f*cked, Don't know what to do, Where to go or what direction to go.

Was thinking galv chassis, Then thought don't be daft you cant afford it.
Next was I'll use savings to pay for it as I want it to be good for along time.
So I settled on this but then thought do I really want to leave it on the drive?
Answer, No, I'd rather it be in the garage. So that means the blue one needs to come out.
Erm, No I don't want to do that either as I cant afford to insure it without using savings (Again) And I'd rather leave a rolling chassis on the drive than a full 90.
So f*ck noes what to do.
So wish I didn't over think stuff so much.

So what did I do today.
First job was to split the old LT77 and transfer box. As I say trying to clear some **** up, So was both put in the shed out the way.
Instead of sitting on the drive :eek:

Next, Cleaned and painted the front callipers. Forgot pics when I'd painted 'em.
Came up quite good and the pistons looked nice and shiny :p

Stuff came from Lr direct. So was going to build the front axle up.
But I've ordered the wrong swivel seal retainers :mad: So that's on hold until next week now.

Although I did put the diff in.
Well it's one step closer I guess.
New gasket.


Diff in with some nice new nuts :D


Going to press all me new bushes in tomorrow I think.
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Regarding wether to buy a galv chassis or not does the 6bt fit in the standard landrover chassis without any mods/cutting or bracing etc? Just that if you are going to have to mod it would it not be better to mod the original and then get it galved?
Regarding wether to buy a galv chassis or not does the 6bt fit in the standard landrover chassis without any mods/cutting or bracing etc? Just that if you are going to have to mod it would it not be better to mod the original and then get it galved?

From what I understand it's not worth getting an old chassis galved.
It will fit, Bar the engine/gearbox mounts I think.
If I have to do any chopping I'll use some galv spray.
But I'll make bolt on ones.
Plan is to get a chassis with tdi mounts so I can revert back to that if all goes tits up.

I’ve been in that predicament a few times Aaron so I don’t envy you mate. You’re like me; lots of ideas and plans and yet very little space!

Yeah, To be fair I overthink everything, Worry about stuff I cant control and well, I just can't make a decision.
I kind of bought I thinking yeah I really want to put a 6bt in without thinking about where I'd do it.
It's not like it's a life changing decision I just don't know what to do for the best.
Plus thinking about work, Yeah the stuff that's going to pay for this :eek:
But been thinking it causes me nothing but stress, anger and generally makes me a grumpy sod.
But trying to find something else is not exactly easy.
And yes this is me overthinking everything and worrying about stuff I cant control again :(
That press looks very like the SGS model I bought, with a few minor differences. The SGS has some braces from the verticals to the feet to keep them at right angles, and a bolt together table, but otherwise seems pretty much the same.

It's great pushing bushes out with a press. Imagine having to to do that with a vice and different sized sockets. Good for propshaft bearings too.

For the price of a length of chain and a bag of cement, could you not make yourself a ground anchor so you could secure your chassis to the driveway?
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Aaron, hi, been a member a while, but not really posted as I don't have a landy yet.... But just want to say, I really look forward to all your updates, helps me feel better about buying something not so mechanically sound , instead of a minter. I read through your first build thread and then the blue one.... Excellent stuff....

Now just my two pence worth, if you want to keep the red one, why not finish the blue one with your savings and get it sold, replace what you borrowed from savings and use left over to do red one.... Other option, put the new engine in the blue one, rebuild red she'd with blue engine and sell that one.... Just a thought, anyway, keep up the good work...
That press looks very like the SGS model I bought, with a few minor differences. The SGS has some braces from the verticals to the feet to keep them at right angles, and a bolt together table, but otherwise seems pretty much the same.

It's great pushing bushes out with a press. Imagine having to to do that with a vice and different sized sockets. Good for propshaft bearings too.

For the price of a length of chain and a bag of cement, could you not make yourself a ground anchor so you could secure your chassis to the driveway?

Yeah it's loads better, I've tried the vice/Big hammer method before and got nowhere. Pretty happy with it, Pressed the bushes in with ease.
Thank feck theirs no more struggling :)

Chains a good Idea, Was thinking about a security post but recon a chain would be cheaper. Cheers.

Aaron, hi, been a member a while, but not really posted as I don't have a landy yet.... But just want to say, I really look forward to all your updates, helps me feel better about buying something not so mechanically sound , instead of a minter. I read through your first build thread and then the blue one.... Excellent stuff....

Now just my two pence worth, if you want to keep the red one, why not finish the blue one with your savings and get it sold, replace what you borrowed from savings and use left over to do red one.... Other option, put the new engine in the blue one, rebuild red she'd with blue engine and sell that one.... Just a thought, anyway, keep up the good work...

Cheers :)
To be honest I have thought sell it. But I'd rather drive it for a little while at least. Or I've just wasted my time and money :(

Putting 6bt into the blue one did cross my mind but I cant bring myself to take it to bits again.

Ideal solution would be put blue one on the road and drive it until this is done. This Is a long term project so may take a while.

Hi, Nice project ! Wondering what rating springs would be required for the weight of a 6BTA Cummins ?

Cheers :)
I'm just going to put standard height hd's on for now and see how it goes.
Would like to avoid lifts if I can.

Good point. That's just what my extra HD ex-mod springs need to settle them down - a Cummins!

Do it :D
Well another one of those days.

Got me bushes pressed in. Oh the joys :) Much easier than a vice/big hammer :p

New bush.



And in. Nice easy job for once :p


All bushes pressed in and loads of bits waiting to be fitted.


Then spent the rest of the day jerking around doing not a lot, Although I did start to clean the engine ready for paint. Just cant decide weather to keep it red or not.
Well another one of those days.

Got me bushes pressed in. Oh the joys :) Much easier than a vice/big hammer :p

Then spent the rest of the day jerking off doing not a lot, Although I did start to clean the engine ready for paint. Just cant decide weather to keep it red or not.


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