Sticking it in the blue one sounds like a good idea especially if you don't have to mod the chassis much, that way you get to drive it sooner also:)
Not a lot again today.

Still don't know what to do, But I'm now thinking the best way is to take to tdi out of the blue one I've just built and stick the cummins in that.
Yes it's going to pain me to rip the thing to bits again but it means I get the galv chassis I want without having to start again spending money I don't really want to use.
Not a definite plan but it's the way I'm leaning at the mo.

Waiting for paint for the engine so decided to clean the exhaust manifold and turbo up.


Thought it'd be easier to do it with the turbo unbolted (It's rather heavy in one lump)


Manifold cleaned up.


And painted with some high temp stuff, I've got no idea how well it's going to hold up when it starts glowing :D But time will tell.


Then thought I best tackle the broken manifold bolts.
Decided to drill and tap as I didn't fancy braking a easyout in one as I'd be f*cked then.
So centre punched.


Hole drilled to 8.5mm


Ran a tap through, Can't say I enjoyed doing it, Kept thinking the tap would snap and f*ck me over even more.


And done. Only did 2, So 2 more to do tomorrow.


Good job there Aaron. Not the most exciting one I'm sure, but I bet you're pleased with the results. Just trying to work out, did you retap to a bigger size than the original?
I know you've already done it but by the looks of it could you have just drilled straight through and put a nut on the back and used bolts?( no more problems with snapped or seized studs)

You had me thinking about it when you said it.
but nope wont fit ;)


Sticking it in the blue one sounds like a good idea especially if you don't have to mod the chassis much, that way you get to drive it sooner also:)

Exactly, It's not what I'd intended to do, But its the best option at the moment for me :)

Good job there Aaron. Not the most exciting one I'm sure, but I bet you're pleased with the results. Just trying to work out, did you retap to a bigger size than the original?

Cheers :) Yeah glad they're out of the way. Wasn't a job I was looking forward to.
I just re-tapped to M10 so same size as before :)
So I think I have finally came to a decision and the 6bt can go in the blue one I built.

So today I wanted to see what was involved in moving the oil pick up.
So I can come up with a plan and get it turned around for good.
Thinking just make it a flexi pipe as opposed to ridged.

So sump off.


Sumps pretty clean considering, So is the engine.


Clutch big enough, As I've said in the past everything on this engine is bloody heavy :eek:


Then moved the gearbox to the shed so I can give it a spruce up.


Needs a new release bearing as its quite noisy.

Awesome work that, mate. And loving the detailed coverage, keep it coming.
If you put it in the blue Landy, what mods will you need to do to the chassis? Personally I would be reluctant to break the galv, but I'm probably just paranoid about it :rolleyes:
Awesome work that, mate. And loving the detailed coverage, keep it coming.
If you put it in the blue Landy, what mods will you need to do to the chassis? Personally I would be reluctant to break the galv, but I'm probably just paranoid about it :rolleyes:

In the past (over 20 years ago) I used a zink spray gun, they feed zink wire into an oxy/cetalean torch and spray molten zink.

This was used on playground equipment, we had some come back for referb and the parts that were under the ground had rusted from the inside leaving the zink untouched.

So there is an option to have the repaired areas done properly.

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Looks hot! But no face mask, goggles or gloves :eek:

Would be expensive for someone to turn up with that kit.
Mate I'm impressed! Your doing well to throw the gearbox ect about given your size :p

Ha, I had help to move the gearbox to the shed :p Not exactly the lightest things. Well heavier that an lt77.

Awesome work that, mate. And loving the detailed coverage, keep it coming.
If you put it in the blue Landy, what mods will you need to do to the chassis? Personally I would be reluctant to break the galv, but I'm probably just paranoid about it :rolleyes:

Cheers :)
Hopefully not a lot as it defeats the object of buying a galv chassis in the first place, Will try and make engine mounts to sit on the original tdi chassis mounts. Same with gearbox/transfer box mounts.
My one worry mate....

If your putting the new engine in the blue one, then you can't possibly paint it red as it wont go!!

I know you have already purchased red paint so will you be buying some new blue?...
Well some paint turned up today, Not all of it, But the bit I need first did :)
2k epoxy primmer. Never used it but heard a lot of good things about it.
And my first impressions are the same.


And the reason I bought it, To paint the engine.
Will be painted red when it arrives.




Then gave the gearbox a bit of a wire brushing.


And painted. I know I seem to be doing things higgledy piggledy but I'm unsure what to do about the gearbox to lt230 adaptor.
So this keeps me going for a while, But I'd have preferred to test fit everything first.

On the plus side it means everything is clean(ish) when I do start trying to mate the lt230, Which I started cleaning today. Not the one I'm going to use but it'll do for mock up purposes.

My one worry mate....

If your putting the new engine in the blue one, then you can't possibly paint it red as it wont go!!

I know you have already purchased red paint so will you be buying some new blue?...

It did cross my mind that I should paint it blue :eek:
Unsure, I've got paint left from the body so could use that?
If you ever need scrap collecting, message me and I'll collect it. I keep some till i get a trailer full then weigh it in. Doesn't make much at the moment, but mostly it still pays for a weekends laning diesel at least!

Bastard! I was gonna call dibs :( could have used the springs

I've still got the springs ;)

If you ever need scrap collecting, message me and I'll collect it. I keep some till i get a trailer full then weigh it in. Doesn't make much at the moment, but mostly it still pays for a weekends laning diesel at least!


Wish I'd have known, It's all worth taking if you've got a trailer :)

Will give you a shout if it builds up again.
Oooh how much and did you chop the spring hangars off with it ?

No spring hangars, If I'd have known I'd have chopped them off for you. Didn't think they'd be of use to anyone as the plan was just to stick them on ebay for £20 or something.
But if you want them you can have 'em.

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