
New Member
How do. Long time lurker that's picked up good info off you all over the years. Registered once yonks ago but forgot my details. I'm in Sheffield. Have a 51 plate Freelander 1 TD4 5 door and have just discovered this evening that my sunroof glass has been smashed. How, god knows. A quick search tells me a replacement glass is 4 to 5 hundred pounds! Does anyone know any better please? Thanks. I'll duplicate this post( part of it) on an old thread about sunroofs. Cheers.
Welcome to landyzone regular nose picking contact sports. Should be able to have a nosey round scrap yards for Freelander 1. Andyfreelander might help if pop in the Freelander section with the same request
Hi and welcome
It's not unknown for tempered glass to go off on its own, not common but can happen
Is it not covered by insurance?
Thanks Kermit...never thought of that....and yes, it looks like its just swollen and blown. No, its not covered by insurance.:(
Hello Tintim, Not the best scenario and I fully feel your plight, I returned from holiday one October to a D3 with the sunroof shattered, Thinking something had fallen on it or such like, turns out that the D3's sunroofs just shatter sometimes (clearly thermal expansion and cooling play a factor) The controls for the suspension height and the likes all doused in water the D3 was not best pleased. So headed to the nearest B&Q and got some adessive black plastic (https://www.diy.com/departments/goo...ace-protector-roll-l-20m/5059340015286_BQ.prd), think it was for bathrooms, covered the whole of the inside of the glass to stop it all falling off, and then covered the whole of the front part of the roof. Driving home with the D3 going to access height and such like every so often made the 2 hours home a bit longer and nerve racking.
In the end the insurance covered it with only requiring to pay the excess and taking the Disco to autoglass as they would not do the repair out on location.
After taking out the height controls, soaking up all the water and cleaning it all, purchased a replacement off that popular auction site and everything resumed to normal operations.

Good luck to you pal
Well Nellysubsea et al. Finally "sorted" it. After carefully removing all the broken glass and cleaning out carefully the glass rubber seal, I then used some Corotherm Twinwall sheet cut to size . Bought it from B&Q, a sheet 1220mm x 610mm and 4 mill thick @£12.29.. The thickness is just perfect.

First of all I trialled and errored making a couple of cardboard templates until I'd got the shape just about cock on including the slight curve. Then I cut the Corotherm to shape with a Dremel and carbide cutting disc. Filed off any "fash" then fitted dry which was a bit awkward getting it into the rubber seal. Anyrode, once happy with the fit I put some plumbers gold clear sealant around the seal then eased the Corotherm in, the seal helping as lubricant and also waterproofing it once gone off.

Been fitted a couple of weeks now and a few heavy downpours and "job's a good un"

Thanks all.:)

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