Why do you lot all think you should get something for nothing these people organising
This trip will spend out lots of time and money on fuel for you tohavea good day out
Would all you douters do the same or even reciprocate for those that have in your area
I think not
If you cannot afford to go stop smoking and or drinking and then you can go
If you just don't want to spend £25 for charity then don't go
And stop crying

I don't drink or smoke so fook orf BOB!!
Whilst Im all for donatin to charity, could it be possible that peeps can donate through choice like 110woman explained £25 is alot of money to some peeps, members wantin to go on the trip may have to save quite alot due to the distance (they maybe comin from afar) fuel costs are high at the moment and peeps may drop out due to the extra expense. Peeps that are travellin from afar, may also have campin fees, and if its a family weekend for them they may need to feed 3 kids for the weekend too... you add fuel costs, food for a family of 5, plus campin fees it can get quite expensive.

Maybe a donation tin at the end..... im sure peeps would feel more like donatin after a weekend of great company and fun lanin, plus experiencin the lovely scenery, they may just think ah yeah here's a tenner... a tenner is better than a member droppin out, yu will still raise a decent amount for charity that way.... family of 5, kids have eaten sweets, chocolate all day so wont want chips, put the chippie money in the pot instead.... that kinda thing.. a bit less formal. :)

Just my opinion. :D

That is cheap as chips. If a person can not save 20p a day then they should not go ........... simple You have about 120 days before payment , Bunch of cheap skates :scratching_chin::scratching_chin::scratching_chin::scratching_chin:
That is cheap as chips. If a person can not save 20p a day then they should not go ........... simple You have about 120 days before payment , Bunch of cheap skates :scratching_chin::scratching_chin::scratching_chin::scratching_chin:

Fook orf FT and go and try windin someone else up... ignore list beckons :rolleyes:
If people cannot afford health care in their own country they should not go elsewhere for free treatment.
Good for you all I see is people moaning
And mate if you want to make this personal I will have a chat with you
This is an open forum and I am entitled to my opinion just like you

Oh for goodness sake just go away.....opinions are best formed from something other than assumptions :doh:
I will have a chat with you
This is an open forum and I am entitled to my opinion just like you

I fooking hate peeps who "Chat" how about you come round and try throwing a few punches.. Much more interesting YU ****er...
My views have been posted see above.... however boomers point of a £1 a week is fair comment. I will be goin due to doin what the boss says, and dont wanna miss it. :D
Fook orf FT and go and try windin someone else up... ignore list beckons :rolleyes:

Minty was not trying to wind anyone,understand about the family stuff, boy do I, 7 kids now grown:scratching_chin: Just a little to save. It must be cheaper than taking a family to a foot ball game
are there not two issues here relating to cost?
1 - the cost of the laning trip.
2 - the donation to charity.
It must be cheaper than taking a family to a foot ball game

The point originally made was that some people have to save up for the trip already. They have to plan ahead for most things outside their 'normal' life and adding an extra £1 a week might just be the straw that broke the camels back .. a step too far, however you want to say it.

Fact is, it is hard to save an extra £1 a week when you're already trying to save £10 a week from a very tight budget.
Fact is, it is hard to save an extra £1 a week when you're already trying to save £10 a week from a very tight budget.

Maybe hard, but nowhere near as hard as what the children and their families that make-a-wish supports go through.

I think a line needs to be drawn under this now. If you can afford it then go if not then don't go and maybe plan an alternative that's more affordable.
Not followed the thread for a while... certainly has stepped up a gear LZ style... :D

Definitely agree with Fatboy11 here; it's not like there is any judgement made if you can't go; you not suddenly any less of a person, it's just you've made a personal choice which should be respected the same as that made by the organisers.

Bloody 'ell, that was a bit philosophical :rolleyes:
OK.....I've got a plan :)

If anyone wants to go and is struggling to come up with the readies then PM me.

You WON'T get charity and you WILL need to camp at my field after the run......(yer all welcome to anyway).

Line drawn

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