Can I just say again, the Boomer and his team, are involved in a huge amount of work, and expense to organise this.
I believe that, in true LZ spirit, all the issues above could be resolved before the date.
Car sharing, selling of body parts, the occasional trip into the darker areas of Birmingham, Bradford, selling the wife/husband (or just renting them out), should be enough to find enough funds.

remember folks - those that have been on LZ trips, its not just about the driving, its the social experience. I have been on a few as a passenger, and still had a ball.
Right, I am really sorry for bringing disharmony to this trip. I do undestand the effortgone to on the part of the organisers. I would ask perhaps that no more is said on the subject and that the individuals going enjoy and appreciate the day out in oct. :)
yu are not bringing disharmony to the thread. yu are voicing genuine concerns. We have long enough to resolve them, with a bit of luck.

pst S71 will want a lift ;).
Although I wasn't on the 1st run I think as Boomer had stated the next event would be in aid of charity then that's his call. Boomer and the other leaders are going to be spending alot of their own time and money to make this trip happen too.

I think if it had been stated at the start maybe it wouldn't have come down to this now. Although I expect some who have an issue with it now would have still put their names down.

Also I can pretty much guarantee that all of us will "waste" £25 on ourselves between now and October that we could save up for charitable donation.

I'd also like to say that I'm not someone who thinks as £25 as loose pocket change as me and my missus boyh have to both work full time to live.

for me i am 3 trips into helping put this together
as with all trips wales salisbury we use a lot of our time planning
me for one spent 6 months planning a welsh trip
we put a lot of effort into it so others can have a realy good day out
boomer sugested just after the last chipy run that the next would be for charity
and i support him with it
yu are not bringing disharmony to the thread. yu are voicing genuine concerns. We have long enough to resolve them, with a bit of luck.

pst S71 will want a lift ;).
possibly ;)

for me i am 3 trips into helping put this together
as with all trips wales salisbury we use a lot of our time planning
me for one spent 6 months planning a welsh trip
we put a lot of effort into it so others can have a realy good day out
boomer sugested just after the last chipy run that the next would be for charity
and i support him with it
now you're beginning to understand the aggrivation organizing one of these trips causes you.
possibly ;)

now you're beginning to understand the aggrivation organizing one of these trips causes you.
i know wales is one of the best plases to go i spent almost 6 months planning it and we all had a fantastic time i am going to do another trip next year
would just like to add that the group leaders will be paying their £25s as well and i am trying to get some businesses i deal with to give some sponsorship money as well, i know we are all feeling the pinch these days and charities are one of the first to suffer when times get tough, maybe arguing the toss in the small hours of the morning is not the best way of sorting things out :rolleyes:,but guess thats the way LZ is at the moment, so maybe we can use this event to put the fun back in to the site and enjoy the good day out that were all striving to organise :)
would just like to add that the group leaders will be paying their £25s as well and i am trying to get some businesses i deal with to give some sponsorship money as well, i know we are all feeling the pinch these days and charities are one of the first to suffer when times get tough, maybe arguing the toss in the small hours of the morning is not the best way of sorting things out :rolleyes:,but guess thats the way LZ is at the moment, so maybe we can use this event to put the fun back in to the site and enjoy the good day out that were all striving to organise :)

would just like to add that the group leaders will be paying their £25s as well and i am trying to get some businesses i deal with to give some sponsorship money as well, i know we are all feeling the pinch these days and charities are one of the first to suffer when times get tough, maybe arguing the toss in the small hours of the morning is not the best way of sorting things out :rolleyes:,but guess thats the way LZ is at the moment, so maybe we can use this event to put the fun back in to the site and enjoy the good day out that were all striving to organise :)
sod that I want to be in group grumpy :mad::mad::mad::mad::argue::argue::argue:

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