mr boomer ,im sure you and others have gone to a lot of time and expense ,and i am of the opinion those that do the work make the rules ,
I'll still be there. Now I've got the alternator & battery sorted. Don't know what the work situation will be like but I have a loose change demijohn. & it's half full at the mo. So will raid that for fuel/donation if necessary.

110 if ya want yu can stop in the pikey wagon. There's a spare bed that you're welcome to.. Or ya can sleep on the campbed in the back of me slitty van If ya want a bit of privacy..
Flu and lack of food have left me thoughts somewhat jumbled and disjointed, but for what it's worth here they are.......

Boomers leader and makes the rules.....that's just how it is and should problem.

If anyone has a moral objection to making a charity donation then there's not much anyone can do about that, that's their choice and it means they'll choose not to come on this trip........A shame but there'll be other trips with different rules.

For those that want to come but the donation on top of other costs puts it out of there reach then I can't see the problem at all.......after all this is something that LZ excels at..........Helping each other out!

We give and receive help from each other all the time in a myriad of different ways.....often giving to one member and receiving from another but nobody wants or needs to keep score because somewhere it all evens out. Sometimes the exchange is very straight forward and obvious........'I have this and I'll swap it for that'......other times it's less so.....'I'll help you with your welding and someone else is giving me a starter'.

Sometimes the 'need' is very specific and just because it happens to be money instead of advice/time/parts doesn't make any difference to me at all (apart from a regular lack of the bloody stuff :rolleyes:)...........SO.......

I reckon we just need to be a little more imaginative.

I'm ill, tired and have a rambling dialog going on in my head so I hope that all makes some sort of sense cause I can't be bothered to re-read it
Flu and lack of food have left me thoughts somewhat jumbled and disjointed, but for what it's worth here they are.......

Boomers leader and makes the rules.....that's just how it is and should problem.

If anyone has a moral objection to making a charity donation then there's not much anyone can do about that, that's their choice and it means they'll choose not to come on this trip........A shame but there'll be other trips with different rules.

For those that want to come but the donation on top of other costs puts it out of there reach then I can't see the problem at all.......after all this is something that LZ excels at..........Helping each other out!

We give and receive help from each other all the time in a myriad of different ways.....often giving to one member and receiving from another but nobody wants or needs to keep score because somewhere it all evens out. Sometimes the exchange is very straight forward and obvious........'I have this and I'll swap it for that'......other times it's less so.....'I'll help you with your welding and someone else is giving me a starter'.

Sometimes the 'need' is very specific and just because it happens to be money instead of advice/time/parts doesn't make any difference to me at all (apart from a regular lack of the bloody stuff :rolleyes:)...........SO.......

I reckon we just need to be a little more imaginative.

I'm ill, tired and have a rambling dialog going on in my head so I hope that all makes some sort of sense cause I can't be bothered to re-read it
not a bad statement mr beasty ,i for one never let "ideals"stop me doing anything:D
Why do you lot all think you should get something for nothing these people organising
This trip will spend out lots of time and money on fuel for you tohavea good day out
Would all you douters do the same or even reciprocate for those that have in your area
I think not
If you cannot afford to go stop smoking and or drinking and then you can go
If you just don't want to spend £25 for charity then don't go
And stop crying
Why do you lot all think you should get something for nothing these people organising
This trip will spend out lots of time and money on fuel for you tohavea good day out
Would all you douters do the same or even reciprocate for those that have in your area
I think not
If you cannot afford to go stop smoking and or drinking and then you can go
If you just don't want to spend £25 for charity then don't go
And stop crying
sorry who are you ?
Why do you lot all think you should get something for nothing these people organising
This trip will spend out lots of time and money on fuel for you tohavea good day out
Would all you douters do the same or even reciprocate for those that have in your area
I think not
If you cannot afford to go stop smoking and or drinking and then you can go
If you just don't want to spend £25 for charity then don't go
And stop crying
your making a few assumptions:rolleyes:

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