email from speed camera peeps
Well...there's been a potentially huge development:D.
The Doris was gossiping about it at work this morning and some lady passing by heard the name mentioned.
Turns out Gabby gabb is the nickname for their 19 yr old daughter!
They know a guy who knows their daughter who drives the same car commiting the offences:eek:
He causes loads of anti social stuff in the neighborhood apparently, plus he lives on that sink hole estate I mentioned.

The workmates don't know his exact address, he parks the car away from his home, but they are going to confirm the reg number as soon as they can and try and found out his address too.
Interesting times ahead;)

Innit good you've a gossipy bunch works wiv the Doris ...
When yer get the details tell the police. Also ask yer mates wot he does ferra living and where and when he starts work. They may sit near by un wait fer him ter go ter wurk. They will want ter catch him at it.
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When yer get the details tell the police. Also ask yer mates wot he does ferra living and where and when he starts work. They may sit near by un wait fer him ter go ter wurk. Hey will want ter catch him at it.

Driving while incriminated ?
Yah. But if not the registered keeper they could explain why. Hmmm could always contact a couple of the big insurance companies and tell them whats going on if you find out which company. They all seem to have the same underwriters, so that could make things interesting for the scrote
I'm bl@@dy sure they'll check - any damn excuse to get out of paying ( ask me how I know :mad: ) ...

All insurers will reduce cover to Act insurance for untaxed - and many will do the same for no MOT - including .... if it fails, and you drive it home :eek:
Yer can insure a car with no tax and no mot. It just means yer can't drive it ont road or claim fer crashing it. Yer still get theft and damage insurance as part of that witch is wot most peeps want.
Yah. But if not the registered keeper they could explain why. Hmmm could always contact a couple of the big insurance companies and tell them whats going on if you find out which company. They all seem to have the same underwriters, so that could make things interesting for the scrote
He's betterer oft giving info to police as they have the option to make checks and arrest if they catch him. If his insurance contact him then he knows someone has tipped them oft. He will then try hide more or ditch the car fer another cheap run erbout.

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