The police rang me earlier to say there is nothing untoward concerning the vehicle and it's an administrative error, wouldn't tell me anymore about it.
Job jobbed then.:cool:

Did they tell you what to do with this V5 then? Did they want it to add to the case file they are investigating?
Did they tell you what to do with this V5 then? Did they want it to add to the case file they are investigating?
I forgot to ask what I was supposed to do with it and they never told me either. I nearly threw it in the woodburner but thought better of it.
I've filed it on the shelf where I put other stuff that I don't know what to do with:rolleyes:
I’d keep a copy and send the original back to the DVLA with a covering letter, keeping a copy of the letter too. That way, you’ve done what appears reasonable to show you’re not the registered keeper or associated with the car.
There are lots of address scams. I know of a few people in spain that pay handsomely to have post sent to your address to be forwarded on to them.
Just had a parking fine come through.
I've also tried to tell the parking company but it turned into a faff .
I'm not worried about it tbh , might be fun to see how far they take it;)
Just send them an e-mail with all the info.
They will send the bailiffs then you can just show all correspondence and send them on their way.

Have you SORNed it:p:p:cool:

There is someone in it, very poor picture and even worse after I've took a pic of it as well.
I suspect the parking sharks original is much clearer.
Sorry to state the blindingly obvious here, but:-

Under the postal services act 2000, "a person commits an offense if he, without reasonable excuse <snip> opens a postal packet in the course of its transmission ....."

( from:- )

Any fines etc can go against your address & affect credit etc.

This is true, and is, I suggest, your perfectly reasonable excuse for opening post not addressed to you - but to your address...

If solicitors letters arrive for this "person" however - send them back marked not known at this address.....possibly by recorded delivery with a covering letter.
So Flossie reports on here about the V5 turning up unannounced at his home address

Two days later the vehicle is clocked as parked in contravention of some parking regulations.

Now are we going to open a book on how many PCNs/speeding tickets start to drop through his letterbox in next few months?

Vehicle currently has a MOT but no tax. No comment about insurance;)

Now Flossie if any bailiffs etc turn up on your doorstep do NOT let them into your house under any circumstances. If need be ring 999 saying that you are in fear of your life/being threaten/intimidated etc..

Have photo id for the police, copy of electoral roll/mortgage statement which will show Gabby Gab has not lived at your address. A copy of any correspondence with DVLA/police alongside with a log of your phone calls etc made which will show that you have acted responsibly in trying to inform relevant authorities about this 'administration error'


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