Ah so!
Will be given an opportunity to do speed awareness course or will be a big fine. Bit of a bugger if he don’t know :).
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Well....bit of a let down really.
Workmates have come back to say it is not the same car but a BMW.
I think they are scared of repercussions maybe?
I might have a drive down there myself to see if I can spot it but it's a large estate with lots of dead ends, not sure what to do if I found it anyway.
No more tickets have arrived either.
Well....bit of a let down really.
Workmates have come back to say it is not the same car but a BMW.
I think they are scared of repercussions maybe?
I might have a drive down there myself to see if I can spot it but it's a large estate with lots of dead ends, not sure what to do if I found it anyway.
No more tickets have arrived either.
Early morning about 4 or 5am is safer than late nite. Scrotes be ersleep. If yer did spot it take a pic of the location and tell the police ont 101.
That's good news. Vehicle oft the road and he may not know where it is. Problems should reduce now. Contact them and tell them it's not yours.
Items from the vehicle?
is there another page saying what the items are?
It could have had a boot full of Landy bits and a Rolex :D
I've rung them.
They have the complete car:).
The number was for the recovery company that work under contract to the police, I tried real hard to get information about it all off the guy who answered the phone. All I got was they have the whole vehicle and the real owner has been identified and is coming to the compound to collect.
He then went all coy and wouldn't cough to any other of my questions:(.
He did say it was a common thing carried out by Crims and they often have to recover the cars with a similar story to mine.
It doesn't make sense that the Crim is coming to retrieve the car or maybe the stuff in it ?
The recovery company were very cyptic:rolleyes:
Could it be er case the car is stolen?

Or the true owner wasn't gabby, but someone who din't know wot he had done to register at your address.
I've also tried to tell the parking company but it turned into a faff .
I'm not worried about it tbh , might be fun to see how far they take it;)
I got a parking fine through the post once. I'd never been to the car park. I called the ticket company and they more or less told me to feck off. Said the bailiffs would be around to collect the debt. It got quite nasty. Turned out their warden had written the number plate down incorrectly. Personally, I think it's shocking that the DVLA give your personal details away to two bit, scum bag, cowboy, vicious, bastaad ticket companies at the drop of a hat. ****wits.
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I've rung them.
They have the complete car:).
The number was for the recovery company that work under contract to the police, I tried real hard to get information about it all off the guy who answered the phone. All I got was they have the whole vehicle and the real owner has been identified and is coming to the compound to collect.
He then went all coy and wouldn't cough to any other of my questions:(.
He did say it was a common thing carried out by Crims and they often have to recover the cars with a similar story to mine.
It doesn't make sense that the Crim is coming to retrieve the car or maybe the stuff in it ?
The recovery company were very cyptic:rolleyes:
Sounds to me like a very basic 'ringer'. If he knows a dodgy car dealer or scrappy, he can get a v5 and some plates made up and transfer it to a stolen car, then actually use the car as a temporary 'disposable'. He racks up a few parking and speeding fines, as ANPR will identify it as legal, safe in the knowledge that any correspondence is going to your address to 'Gabby Gab'. Then once he thinks the car has got a bit 'hot' he dumps it and burns it out. Or gives it back to the dodgy scrappy who breaks it for parts. They probably found the real owner via the VIN plate as he probably didn't bother changing it. You most likely kicked up enough of a fuss that it was found sooner rather than later.
I got a parking fine through the post once. I'd never been to the car park. I called the ticket company and they more or less told me to feck off. Said the bailiffs would be around to collect the debt. It got quite nasty. Turned out their warden had written the number plate down incorrect. Personally, I think it's shocking that the DVLA give your personal details away to two bit, scum bag, cowboy, vicious, bastaad ticket companies at the drop of a hat. ****wits.

No the DVLA will give your details in exchange for money ...
No the DVLA will give your details in exchange for money ...
Yes, I think so. I accused them of that, but they denied it. I was threatening everyone with the Information Commissioners Office in the end. Eventually, they dropped the fine. It's a major money making scam that is unregulated. I discovered parking fine companies do have a regulating body, but they got together and created it themselves! :eek: So, if you want to take your complaint to the highest body, you are just complaining to them about themselves, so they take no notice. They've got it all sewn up and they can be as unprofessional about it as they like. And they are!! :mad:

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