It’s a parking fine so no one driving plus it’s the vehicles keeper that gets the ticket.

Sent from my iPad on a train
More often than not car parks have cameras on the entrance and eggsit as it's a common place to capture a good photo of the vehicle going in/out. The more he can find out about the person the more he can tell the police. They may say yes and hand said photo to the police.
If it were me eye wood open all letters to find out what's going on. Eye naturally assume all post is mine and ferget to look at the address most of the time.

The more yer can tell the police... The quicker they will put a tag on said registration fer the first anpr camera to spot it's location. If it's a pig wagon then it may pull it over fer driver inspection and raise the issue of it being registered to the wrong address.

Does yer know the location where said parking o'fence tootk place. If so this tells yer the area it may be int.
Just been looking on the website for vehicle tax etc (don't know how to make a link though). There is a section which informs you what to do if you start getting penalty notices, fines etc for a vehicle you never owned. The advice is that you need write to the DVLA to get a letter from them confirming you never owned the vehicle. Being able to wave that under the noses of the tooats who knock on you door to ask for tons of money would be a big plus.
Thing thats puzzling me is why is the driver risking being pulled in an untaxed vehicle? doesn't make sense unless the whole thing is a DVLA admin cockup and the owner is wondering where their V5C has got to? although they could tax it using the tear off bit they should have got when they bought it. Something not quite right.
It's showing as insured

Now do not try telling the police that a vehicle does not have motor insurance, because you checked it online. The police will just start warning you about data protection.

Try telling the police via 101 that a vehicle does not have road tax and is on the public highway and they do not want to know. They will just refer you to the DVLA

Try telling the police via 101 that a vehicle on the public highway has no MOT. Nothing to do with the police that is local council responsibility for abandoned vehicles. Try telling the police that it is government guidelines that vehicles without a MOT (which requires one) should be reported via 101 and that you want a reference number of the report be prepared for a phone call from the police warning you off about misuse of MID, lack of police numbers etc etc. Now that vehicle MIGHT get caught by a mobile ANPR! As for the local PCC???

Now do not try telling the police that a vehicle does not have motor insurance, because you checked it online. The police will just start warning you about data protection.

Try telling the police via 101 that a vehicle does not have road tax and is on the public highway and they do not want to know. They will just refer you to the DVLA

Try telling the police via 101 that a vehicle on the public highway has no MOT. Nothing to do with the police that is local council responsibility for abandoned vehicles. Try telling the police that it is government guidelines that vehicles without a MOT (which requires one) should be reported via 101 and that you want a reference number of the report be prepared for a phone call from the police warning you off about misuse of MID, lack of police numbers etc etc. Now that vehicle MIGHT get caught by a mobile ANPR! As for the local PCC???


Both the issue highlighted by Flossie's original post, and the issues surrounding sorting the whole fiasco out, including the apparent advantages to any sticky fingered types of GDPR and such are a sad indictment of our society IMHO. :(

I'm hoping it's all just a monumental mistake by DVLA ( etc. ), but I doubt it :(:(:(

As a "kid" quite a few years ago, a clip round the ear ( or two :oops: .... ;) ) from the local bobby didn't do me any harm - even with my fragile health.
Caught speeding by a camera.
Arrived this morning.

Plus this.
On the NIP it will as for who was driving.
Wait till you put his name in.they will chuckle

Was the letter addressed to you or the dodgy owner?
As I understand it the police can stop and seize an uninsured vehicle. Don't know if thats the same for an untaxed vehicle. Presumably the driver is trying to avoid being stopped by the police.
On the NIP it will as for who was driving.
Wait till you put his name in.they will chuckle

Was the letter addressed to you or the dodgy owner?
To the dodgy owner.
The speeding offence is on the perimeter road of a sink hole estate, if he lives there, that explains a lot.
Majority of residents are retards.
Now you know what the NIP letter looks like, return every one to sender unopened.
They will try to find the car a bit harder or knock on your door.

So far you know where he shops & he speeds.
Few weeks time you will be able to knock on his door :eek:
If the DVLA were informed why have they not removed your address from their system and you are still getting tickets?
They may need to investigate further as anyone could try to avoid fines on their car if they said it wasn't theirs for a while.
They may need to investigate further as anyone could try to avoid fines on their car if they said it wasn't theirs for a while.
True but with a crime number would have thought it's cut and dried
True but with a crime number would have thought it's cut and dried
I would hope so but there may be a process for it to roll through first. The crime is reported but it may not have been investigated any further than this. Someone from the police needs to tag the vehicle as wanted so it's picked up on anpr and the officer who pulls it over then looks into it. That will take time. Until something like this happens he needs to open the post and add info to the crime report. Also contact the agencies involved to explain the situation.
Well...there's been a potentially huge development:D.
The Doris was gossiping about it at work this morning and some lady passing by heard the name mentioned.
Turns out Gabby gabb is the nickname for their 19 yr old daughter!
They know a guy who knows their daughter who drives the same car commiting the offences:eek:
He causes loads of anti social stuff in the neighborhood apparently, plus he lives on that sink hole estate I mentioned.

The workmates don't know his exact address, he parks the car away from his home, but they are going to confirm the reg number as soon as they can and try and found out his address too.
Interesting times ahead;)

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