SRS light is usually bad connections unless it has had a shunt. If it has side airbags in the seats, the yellow connectors under the seats are a favorite. May need to go on diagnostics to clear the fault.
A fired airbag fault after a shunt cannot be re-set, the ECU has to be replaced.
I'm just happy it works at the moment! I think i'll leave the bypass wire in until after MOT, then have a go at replacing the thermo-switch in the compressor, from what I gather it's attached to the brush plate which is riveted onto the back of the motor plate, so it's a case of drilling the rivets then and soldering a new thermo switch in then re-riveting or sticking some self tapping bolts in..

Sounds like a bit of a faff but do-able - I'll let you know how i get on when I get round to it... Could be a while before it's MOT at this rate, the fairy lights on the dash are very seasonable but not MOT-able...

You stand a good chance of shagging your compressor if you leave it bridged the thermal cut out is there for a reason. SRS is not a fail on MOT yet but will be next year.
Just checking that you know that the ABS light doesn't extinguish until you're doing 7mph?

I didn't, but I was getting a message centre 'ABS FAULT'...

Anyway, ABS is now fixed :) I cleaned all the sensors and checked their connections. one of the back sensors had a build of of metallic filings, hardly anything but I'm guessing enough to cause an issue..!

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