Well the old laptops running xp can't even get good com's with that so that's a non starter will have another go in the morning
well im defo closing the programe down correctly followed the guide to the letter a dozen times now and no luck im currently charging an old laptop with a serial port on it incase its a prolem with the adapter lead suplied
Laptops with XP need net framework to be installed before they will work with EASunlock.
I will stick with windows 7 laptop comms OK good idle with that one its cold n raining here now so a job for tomorrow me thinks just put the battery charger on it I left the map light turned on all week, doh :rolleyes:
I will stick with windows 7 laptop comms OK good idle with that one its cold n raining here now so a job for tomorrow me thinks just put the battery charger on it I left the map light turned on all week, doh :rolleyes:

If you can get good comms try moving things around with EASunlock run compressor get some good air and have a play with it. Don't alter any height settings unless you take a note of present settings.
Thanks wammers iv checked your advice to others on the subject I certainly won't alter the height settings iv run the pump but only for a few minutes I'll give it a good 10 to fill the tank next time the pump runs but seems to get louder after 30 seconds or so the unlock software seems to be working in all other respects is height settings, pump on and off good idle start/stop
I am confused by this serial port stuff. Do all laptops have them?

I am using a USB adapter to connect to my computer.
I am confused by this serial port stuff. Do all laptops have them?

I am using a USB adapter to connect to my computer.

No only older machines have serial ports. But it's what EASunlock was designed to run off. If you use a newer machine they only have USB ports, you have to use a USB to serial port adaptor with the proper EASunlock cable. The driver for the USB adaptor is the problem. You MUST load the correct driver for the adaptor BEFORE you plug the EASunlock into the machine or windows will load a generic driver that may or may not work.
I have a couple of old laptops but how do I identify what is a serial port. All computer USB sockets look the same :-(
I have a couple of old laptops but how do I identify what is a serial port. All computer USB sockets look the same :-(

Your cable should have a large serial port plug on it. If it has a USB plug it is not a pukka cable. A serial plug is a totally different animal than a USB port. Look at this. http://hardrange.com/downloads/manual/EAS-Unlock-Cable-Tips.pdf or this is a serial port. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?img...ved=0ahUKEwjW3cb4udvLAhUDsxQKHfoEBmcQ9QEIIjAA
Here is what my cable looks like. Software only accepts port three whether connected to car or not. The sofware also runs and gives the faults I listed at the start without being connected!. Am I stupid or just missing a trick?
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Here is what my cable looks like

It's a serial connector find a laptop that it will plug directly into. Will have to be a fairly old one. New ones don't have serial ports. I have an old steam driven Dell with a serial port, EASunlock works first time every time on that. But i have never had it working on my USB ported ACER. Not that i tried very hard to be honest. When i had the Dell why bother. I now use Nanocom so EASunlock is redundant.
Why do they bother to sell this cable on ebay if it will not work with a USB Wammers?

Bad enough having to try and sort the air pump out with getting in to high tech computer stuff!
Why do they bother to sell this cable on ebay if it will not work with a USB Wammers?

Bad enough having to try and sort the air pump out with getting in to high tech computer stuff!

I've never tried but I think you can get it working. Saint or pwood or Datatek might be able to help.
Why do they bother to sell this cable on ebay if it will not work with a USB Wammers?

Bad enough having to try and sort the air pump out with getting in to high tech computer stuff!

It will work with the USB adaptor it's just that you have to have good quality adaptor and the correct driver for it. Many cheap adaptors are made in China and supplied with dubious drivers unfortunately. The USB driver MUST be installed on the laptop BEFORE plugging the lead into the laptop. Even if it's a good adaptor and driver. Some cheap adaptors with dicky drivers you will never get to work. If you plug the adaptor into the laptop without first installing the proper driver. Windows will load a generic driver and allocate a port for it which more than likely will not work. Try swapping ports around and see if you get a connection to EASunlock and good idle.

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