Have you ever slept in your Landy?

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Slept in my disco's boot, back seats folded forwards, after seeing The Streets last Feb. Cold and uncomfortable, but better than paying £60+ for a hotel and I was smashed so fell asleep in about 0.3 seconds
Me and the missus Spent 6 happy weeks sleeping in our 110 on our Honeymoon as we toured the UK. Made a cheap fold-out bed, with storage cupboards and a work surface/trunk on the other side. Comfier than my own bed, despite me being 6'1. Stuck a Caranex on the back for extra storage and somewhere to stick the toilet.

Whole thing inside cost be about £25. Bargain.
I kip in the back of my truck quite a lot. I have to sleep diagonally across the floor as even with the seats folded all of the way up, I'm still too tall (my old Escort van was more spacious in the back for sleeping).

But I was grateful for my truck when I visited my sister over Christmas as she has a new baby. Couldn't sleep indoors with a constant baby crying. Fabulous night sleep.
I'm doing something inbetween.......built-in storage over wheel arch one side and bench seat the other for general use and inset board from bench seat to opposite arch for camping.....that way you still get a decent size bed and good general utility for passengers/wood/tat/tools

Ooh, any piccies to peruse?
Yes, I do sleep in her ... is the main reason I bought the 110 for when I go fishing etc.

For a bed & storage all I did was attach two small strips of wood along the wheel arches then went to B&Q and had them cut a sheet of ply to my sizes. I ended up with 2 pieces the same height as the wheel arches x the width between the arches and three pieces the width between the wheel arches x 24". I then attached the first two pieces vertically to form two boxes for which two of the 24 x width are used as lids. The third 24 x the width piece is rotated by 90° and is used as a table top during the day (has a hinged leg and clips onto my lowered bulkhead) and it is also used to form the last section of the sleeping platform between the rear door and the storage "boxes." In the storage boxes I keep my toolbox and some bits and bobs in one with my sleeping bag, double inflatable matress and pillows etc. in the other. Anything that doesn't fit in the boxes is put into the front and/or under the third section when I want to use the sleeping area.

It may sound complicated, but it's simple enough (has to be, I designed it) and it suits my purposes very well, though I have only spent a couple of nights in it so far. I intend to make an awning for the rear using a nice tarpaulin I have which is about 8'x5' using a couple of tent poles as supports and press studs to attach it to my roof and sides. My intention is to make it adjustable so that if its raining I can have it more down one side or the other to provide better shelter from the rain/wind.

Mouth watering :p Pics?
Slept in many vehicles, mainly as I don't have a spare room for when I fall out with the Mrs. As my only vehicle the S3 88" is my only option. Bloody uncomfortable but thank god for bench seats!
Went to watch dirty sanchez at a night club a couple of years back with a mate, we both slept in his p38 him on the back seats, me in the passenger seat reclined with my feet on the dash. No blankets and middle of winter sleeping on leather seats with a street lamp directly above shining in my eyes all night. Bad times :(
contemplating on using my 90 to kip in the back when going drag racing or to bike rallies, i am only 5'4" so was hoping just a blow up bed thrown in the back would suffice (along with my mummy sleeping bag) or as has been said a piece of board accross the back, bearing in mind I do have an internal rollcage so I don't have access to the front of the landy other than climbing through, do you reckon I would fit?
At the start of converting my 110 hardtop to a weekend sort of camper, for fishing, 6 foot 2 long,room for sleeping comfortably
Slept in the back of my 110 when some numptys gazebo landed on my tent in the middle of a windy night at Silverstone!

Ripped my tent and just missed me by inches, picked up bed and bag and moved to the back of the Landy. It's 'just' long enough. Biggest issue was light, I'd want curtains or something to sleep in it again.
Slept in the back of my 110 when some numptys gazebo landed on my tent in the middle of a windy night at Silverstone!

Ripped my tent and just missed me by inches, picked up bed and bag and moved to the back of the Landy. It's 'just' long enough. Biggest issue was light, I'd want curtains or something to sleep in it again.

If that had of been Cadwell park, our neibours gazebo would have been to blame instead it was one of our groups vintage coffin shaped tents which copped it, we gaffer taped it back together (gotta love gaffer tape!) alas he noticed and thought we'd ganged up on him, not even our gazebo.....6 years on owner of said damaged tent is still not talking to us.... He must've really loved that tent!
If i put the middle row of seats down and then pushed back theres enough room for me to lie on the floor inbetween the bench seats. Got some foam but it was still like sleeping on a rock....got to improve on that ...not sure what though atm

Agree with lack of curtains bit....trying to change out of wet jeans and into a dry pair in the beast ,whilst being a female in a group of males wild camping, parked a couple of foot away , was interesting to say the least :D
Heavy tint film on the windows and a curtain behind driver's seat? I think the real problem will be lack of insulation. When I converted my Sherpa years ago I panelled over the sides, floor and roof, squirted in foam, and then shag-piled the lot. Toasty!
If i put the middle row of seats down and then pushed back theres enough room for me to lie on the floor inbetween the bench seats. Got some foam but it was still like sleeping on a rock....got to improve on that ...not sure what though atm

Agree with lack of curtains bit....trying to change out of wet jeans and into a dry pair in the beast ,whilst being a female in a group of males wild camping, parked a couple of foot away , was interesting to say the least :D

sod it you saw me looking and i was well hiden:D

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