Have you ever slept in your Landy?

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im gunna start sleeping in mine if the robbin landy bastids dont start ta fook arf...gunna fit some pink shag pile to the celing with spray glue to soak up the sweat....

This is a picture if the missus sleeping in the back of our 110 that we went across russia in.
if green ones count, more times than I care to remember- although 1 sticks in my mind, down in Macedonia, waiting for a train, slept in the drivers seat of a wolf, not comfy at all!

wife has slept in the back of what is now my disco- she used to use it when she was covering exercises, she just had to be out there for the crows, so she would drive out and kip in the back!
Yep! Have done

Me and my dad put a sheet over the tub in the back, wide enough to end just before the bench seat (not enough room to sit on it mind), that came from the back door to the front seats, then another peice that ends at the dash with a notch cut out for the steering wheel.

Made in haste, we found that with hinging the two peices together, the roof wasnt high enough to allow the two to fold, so we used Pin type hinges to hold them, with hinged legs that fit in the footwell.

Nice and large, comfortable (Except the condensation), and a few sarong curtains to finish, held up with clothes pegs. Despite being soaked all week due to the crap Welsh weather, we slept well, and stayed dry when on the bed. Nice, cheap easy holiday.




i have spent many a night sleeping in the back of my 90 so much so i have boarded out the back and insulated it, fitted tbar overhead storage, second battery ,dvd and many other gadgets, when the rain comes down on the roof it feels so comfy, even spent a few hard winters in it.......
I now also have a bed in my 90, a thermarest mattress on top of the base and a very comfy night is had...

have slept in the 110 quite a few times, but prefer a tent, last time i slept in the 110 was in may when i went away for a weekend to watch the portugal WRC round in Faro, was great to roll up to the stage an be ready for sleep in 10 mins an sit n drink beer n grill meat while watchin everyone else struggle with tents
Lived in an old 64 swb s11a for a few months when i was 18, problem was the few months included december, january and febuary in north scotland, would wake up every couple of hours freezing and have to start the engine to try and get the cab above freezing then switch off fall asleep and repeat untill morning then go for a drive to heat up. (that said it was better than living at home)
Made a temp bed in the 90 and slept in that.

I'd like to know how you did that. Did it go into the front as well because there's no way I could lay in my 90. I was thinking of a hammock from corner to corner. Still not sure it would be long enough. I plan on going camping a lot with nothing more than my 90 so i think a hammock would be easiest so i can take it down in the morning and cook in the back and stuff. By the time I come back I'll have a car stinking of beans and sausage.
Only slept in the for a few hours r&r disco when fully occupied on the way up to north west scotland, the drivers seat is quite comfy and just with a pillow against the window i was off to sleep quickly... what it'd be like for a full nights sleep like that I'm not so certain.

Previous experience was the back of an escort estate with a 5 stone GSD whilst providing a 'security presence' on a playing field the night before a charity do. I was actually pretty comfortable, apart from the dog who wouldn't settle because he was in protect mode and woke me every 10 mins as he spotted/heard something that interested him - not enough to speak but enough to have him stand and patrol. After an hour I got out and kipped on the grass at the the side of the car and left him in the car (daren't leave him to wander as there were a few legitimate guests on site and knowing him he'd have ****ed on their tents!) What I did forget was the trainline running about 30m away from me - every hour a fully loaded freight train came past and woke me intead!
At 0630 when the organiser arrived back on site, I was woken as he stepped out of his car outside the gate by the dog speaking until he was let out of my car.
slept sitting in the passanger seat (old recaro not comfy but proberbly great for the spine!), Had and old riding coat so would wear that and place the opening at the bottom over the old smog stirrer when engine was on so that it would heat the sair up inside the jacket. was not great but bearable. Slept rougher.

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