Have you ever slept in your Landy?

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The real problem is condensation. I've slept on a board in the back of a 109 (cold), in the boot of three discos (200, 300 and D2) - had to go diagonal as I'm 5'10 - in the front of the D2 (uncomfortable) and in the back seat of the D2 (surprisingly comfy). Haven't tried it in the Freelanders though. Best one is my friend's IIa 109 Dormobile conversion, which is ace, although still not too well insulated.

Generally speaking LR are not fantastic campers though. Best was my Sherpa white van, with full insulation, carpet on the ceiling, captain's chair and a full-width bed in the back. I even rigged up curtains and a cooker. Would sleep four at a pinch - three on the bed and one underneath. Unfortunately being a Sherpa it got a bit unreliable. Ended its life as the CO's field accommodation in our cadet unit until the engine blew. And I once slept for a week in the back of a Minivan with all my belongings, but I was a student then so too drunk to care.
Slept in the disco last night -6 & still as snug as a bug. Gonna be in there again tonight but only -4!! Will have to watch that I don't get dehydrated. :D
I'd like to know how you did that. Did it go into the front as well because there's no way I could lay in my 90. I was thinking of a hammock from corner to corner. Still not sure it would be long enough.

Don't you own a fooking tape measure :doh: from back door to back of front seat (with seats folded forwards. Had a large wooden storage unit in there so simply put a sheet of MDF on either side of if to turn it into a bed.
Never slept in a landrover, but did spend a night in an old shape Fiat Panda once, not comfy seeing i am around 6'3".
took girlfriends young en (12yrs old) green laning to holmfirth one evening.. he slept for most of it though.. laning in the dark is good fun..

he seemed quite comfy..
Once.... Never again.

A few months ago, the 110 Broke down on a greenlane one evening, on my own (Yeah, Yeah, I know! You only live once :p), tried for about 2 hours to get it going, Was going up a hill when it just died and refused to restart. Ended up jacking it back and jumping in it just before it rolled down the hill... Where it promtly got wedged sideways on the lane and I thought **** it, I am going to sleep!

Waited till morning when the Hi-Lift saved me and I got the 110 straight on the lane and a couple of lads on Scramblers helped me bump it :)

Anyway... Never been so ****ing cold in my life and I have done a fair bit of camping! I swear it would have been warmer outside. :rolleyes:
i sleep in mine every morning on the way to work at 5am , untill i hit the curb and it wakes me up:D
Iv just boarded over the wheel arches so I have a flat surface and some room to store stuff underneath, just bought a folding metal framed camp bed that fits perfectly over the bulkhead from the back door to the dash.....all I need now is an excuse to spend the night in it......
Haven't slept in my 110 yet, but currently designing the layout for a half camper, half utility storage (trainee tree surgeon, so chainsaw, climbing gear and tools.)

Not sure whether to place storage units up both sides to roof, then an inset board going between the arches, or have a raised bed above the arches and storage underneath.

It has to sleep me and my missus, and she demands comfort so I'm walking a tightrope here.

Shame there isn't an image gallery of 110 sleeping quarters DIY projects.
Haven't slept in my 110 yet, but currently designing the layout for a half camper, half utility storage (trainee tree surgeon, so chainsaw, climbing gear and tools.)

Not sure whether to place storage units up both sides to roof, then an inset board going between the arches, or have a raised bed above the arches and storage underneath.

It has to sleep me and my missus, and she demands comfort so I'm walking a tightrope here.

Shame there isn't an image gallery of 110 sleeping quarters DIY projects.

I'm doing something inbetween.......built-in storage over wheel arch one side and bench seat the other for general use and inset board from bench seat to opposite arch for camping.....that way you still get a decent size bed and good general utility for passengers/wood/tat/tools
Yes, I do sleep in her ... is the main reason I bought the 110 for when I go fishing etc.

For a bed & storage all I did was attach two small strips of wood along the wheel arches then went to B&Q and had them cut a sheet of ply to my sizes. I ended up with 2 pieces the same height as the wheel arches x the width between the arches and three pieces the width between the wheel arches x 24". I then attached the first two pieces vertically to form two boxes for which two of the 24 x width are used as lids. The third 24 x the width piece is rotated by 90° and is used as a table top during the day (has a hinged leg and clips onto my lowered bulkhead) and it is also used to form the last section of the sleeping platform between the rear door and the storage "boxes." In the storage boxes I keep my toolbox and some bits and bobs in one with my sleeping bag, double inflatable matress and pillows etc. in the other. Anything that doesn't fit in the boxes is put into the front and/or under the third section when I want to use the sleeping area.

It may sound complicated, but it's simple enough (has to be, I designed it) and it suits my purposes very well, though I have only spent a couple of nights in it so far. I intend to make an awning for the rear using a nice tarpaulin I have which is about 8'x5' using a couple of tent poles as supports and press studs to attach it to my roof and sides. My intention is to make it adjustable so that if its raining I can have it more down one side or the other to provide better shelter from the rain/wind.
I am designing a structure that will be hinged on my bulkhead on my 90. Should work by pulling out and support under.
I to am also in the process of raised boarding for my 110 so i can at short notice jump in the back. Although I do prefer my tent.
dont think I would at 6"2 i unless i wanted to sleep sitting up i dont think i could my 90, with the dog gaurd in you can not even move the seats all the way back.
dont think I would at 6"2 i unless i wanted to sleep sitting up i dont think i could my 90, with the dog gaurd in you can not even move the seats all the way back.

Try being 6'4" 130kg haha... Only slept in Land Rovers on two occasions. Once was camping in the outback with three other guys but we only brought one tent... So I volunteered to sleep in the cold metal bed of my 130 defender.
The other, a drunk friend locked me out of my flat in Durham in the middle of last winter, so I curled up on the back seat of my disco and covered myself with cardboard boxes I had in the boot.

Two of the worst nights of my life.

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