Go look out in the street, see if you can see the postie !!

What time does he normally get to you?

Here is something to start with, put a new battery in your key fob. I had just driven 200 miles, unpacked the car went to move car and the alarm went off. only way to stop it, was to unhook the battery, for some unknown reason I tried another key & and it worked.
All the best
Here is something to start with, put a new battery in your key fob. I had just driven 200 miles, unpacked the car went to move car and the alarm went off. only way to stop it, was to unhook the battery, for some unknown reason I tried another key & and it worked.
All the best

I think that you might have cracked the mysteries of P38 electronic systems wide open there.

BTW. Welcome to the site.

Come on man! Did the postie come? Are you so excited at having a vroom that works you can't come back and tell us?
BTW what's that orange glow coming from outside your house, late bonfire? :hysterically_laughi
Hi guys posty has been ebcm are here and engine management im half wa through fitting them and will have results in approx one hour guys fingers crossed just the ebcm left to plug in then the battery last FFS lol
Hi guys posty has been ebcm are here and engine management im half wa through fitting them and will have results in approx one hour guys fingers crossed just the ebcm left to plug in then the battery last FFS lol

everything crossed for you mate. you have had the battery on charge while its been waiting haven't you??!!!! :eek::D
Hi guys posty has been ebcm are here and engine management im half wa through fitting them and will have results in approx one hour guys fingers crossed just the ebcm left to plug in then the battery last FFS lol

Don't rush to appease us. Slow and methodical.

Chancing my arm on lack of expertise but suggest a quick check with ohm-meter to make sure no dead shorts before battery.

MOZZ - Are you on standby?

Even guys at work have fingers crossed for you..............

Now stop logging onto LZ and get out there......

Best of luck Bud!
Don't rush to appease us. Slow and methodical.

Chancing my arm on lack of expertise but suggest a quick check with ohm-meter to make sure no dead shorts before battery.

MOZZ - Are you on standby?

Yep - you may have to sync the keys etc...
this deserves to be shouted from the highest trees hence capitals guys

its a bloody runner i tell you its a runner guys fired up first click of the key get in the back of the ****ing net, fired up like a kitten off the key no messing about top man rick...
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Been watching silently since the start. Over the moon for you bud.
Rick you are the man. All hail.


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