This thread shows all that is great about this Forum - what huge knowledge and emotional support has been brought to this problem. :clap2::clap2:

You have got to hang in there Neo.

I think you said before that this is a second car so hopefully there is no pressure to chop it in to get a daily driver; just the sheer frustration of it all.

So keep your head and take it step by step - I am sure that you will get there in the end and have a fantastic car and a huge number of new friends.


Are those shots from Faultmate? If so I will hook mine up and look to compare.

Yes, I've got the MSV2 extreme (so I can carry it permanently in the rangie without the need to carry the laptop).

I'm using the vehicle explorer 1.30, but its not that different (other than background colour it seems) to 1.29!

Be interesting to see what yours shows too (do I remember rightly that you have a diesel though, and would that show differently maybe? - mine and neo's are both V8s)

Yes, I've got the MSV2 extreme (so I can carry it permanently in the rangie without the need to carry the laptop).

I'm using the vehicle explorer 1.30, but its not that different (other than background colour it seems) to 1.29!

Be interesting to see what yours shows too (do I remember rightly that you have a diesel though, and would that show differently maybe? - mine and neo's are both V8s)


Engine temperature should be within the normal range petrol or diesel methinks. I will go and check this afternoon.
Yes, I've got the MSV2 extreme (so I can carry it permanently in the rangie without the need to carry the laptop).

I'm using the vehicle explorer 1.30, but its not that different (other than background colour it seems) to 1.29!

Be interesting to see what yours shows too (do I remember rightly that you have a diesel though, and would that show differently maybe? - mine and neo's are both V8s)

Right, that screen shot is BECM engine/gearbox inputs, that engine temperature figure is nonsense. Seems like another software bug in the MSV-2. Look at engine temperature in the engine ECU screen and you get a sensible figure.
These are my readings + gearbox. engine not at running temp but about a 1/4 up the gauge.


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i cant even comment lol ive no idea what you are talking about its beyond me lol.. i can see my fiquire is higher but no idea other than that... im getting left behind in techie knowledge im a spanners man lol....

To be fair the way its heading its more likely day by day that this rangie will be scrapped i cant fix it and loosing interest quick now..

Its sitting a bit lower day by day and starting to look like scrap wife is going mad its not running and its blocking my drive the future is not bright for it to be fair....

I will try the bits and bobs ive mentioned as ive got parts on the way but think that will be it then as ive found no one local interested in fixing and an auto electrians dont seem interested in coming out etheir....
Neo got a multi meter? ask these experts what the readings should be for a inner/ outer coil windings readings should be ,and the same for both sensors if you can get what the readings are supposed to be you could check it yourself ...
I admit it, I'm addicted to this thread. I cannot sign in to the internet without coming to have a look, with fingers crossed that it's resolved. :)
I admit it, I'm addicted to this thread. I cannot sign in to the internet without coming to have a look, with fingers crossed that it's resolved. :)
+1 totally.....

This thread ranks at No5 in the all time Landyzone Range Rover Forum list for number of replies...but I can betcha the ones above are just full of banter and nonsense - this thread is 100% hardcore diagnostics....
Neo got a multi meter? ask these experts what the readings should be for a inner/ outer coil windings readings should be ,and the same for both sensors if you can get what the readings are supposed to be you could check it yourself ...

Whats the inner and outer coil winding testing the coil packs ???

Ive a multimeter in fact ive two :D unfortunatly im bollocks with them :rolleyes:
It says here in rave coil failure will be indicated by the (mil) light I can find no references to coil Resistances .the coils are charged by ECM a132 this needs testing! the whole system uses four Relays the most inportant being controlled by ECM z132 is spliced controlling fuel pump/ ignition coils /injectors and maf all above relays are located within engine compartment fuse box that's all I can read up on it page 3 circuit operation how to test I haven't a clue and all its giving is using test Equipment ???
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He has tested for power to the coils, and has power to them...

So this indicates the BeCM is pulling down the relays to supply power, it is just the ECU isn't firing the coils...
He has tested for power to the coils, and has power to them...

So this indicates the BeCM is pulling down the relays to supply power, it is just the ECU isn't firing the coils...

It says ECU a132 is what Actually fires the coils z 132 is the the power too
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Ok here what i have done tonight its not alot im running out of ideas now

OK... ive ordered an ECU from north wales range rover spares, and oken to Doug, he is sure and convinced that a replacement ecu will be plug and play i cant comment as ive no idea on this subject its out my field however he did say he is happy to resync it if it dont sart up but ive got to get one to try first...

Ive also tested the wiring to the coil packs again i dont know what im looking at to be fair but willing to share the results

Both coil pack connectors have the same readings but i dont understand the results again not my field but they are as follows

pin 1 red wire no live or earth at any point ie key out,key in ign on or cranking

pin 2 white wire 12V live when ignition key turned to ignition on posistion and also still there while cranking engine

Pin 3 blue wire same as pin i no live or earth at any point ie key out,key in ign on or cranking

Both coil packs for each bank read the same 2 is the middle wire to each coil pack...

Not sure if that helps but its what ive got....
anyone interested in parts i think it will end up busted for spares so keep in touch ok...

Looking at the circuit for the coils....

Relay 23 is pulled in to provide power to the Coil packs this is done by the BeCM switching the Relay Coil to earth

Power is then delivered to the coil packs via the White Wire (spliced into this wire is another white wire for the second coil pack) a second splice feds a Red wire that is connected to a Capacitor Link then to earth.

From the coils via sheilded cables are the Coil firing cables from the ECU (White/Blue, Pink/Black, Red & Blue) in essence the ECU releases the charge in the Primary Coil to spark the plug. (roughly...)

This switching of the coil by the ECU happens very quickly and will probably only be picked up on a scope....

As you have power to the White wire on ignition on and cranking indicates the BeCM is pulling in relay 23 so there is power to the coils....

The only thing left is the ECU isn't firing the coil pack via the wires coloured above - only problem it will be difficult to tell as I said above a 'scope is the best method to check this switching as it will heppen quickly....each coil fires 8 times per revolution(maths??) due to the 'wasted spark' method (each cylinder fires twice per cycle) so even at a crank speed of 100 revs (which is quite slow!! usually it is much higher) you are looking at measuring a pulse every .2 of a sec or something (don't have a calculator to hand)....

Everything else seems to have power - it turns over, you have dash indications - you have power to the coils - the BeCM is switching the Relay 23 on - only thing left is the ECU isn't firing the coils....

Either this is due to loss of sync or its fryed....

Few things to check -

Check continuity from ECU Coil firing pins (2, 6, 7 & 8) to the coil Plug pins (in the order above) to ensure the wiring from the ECU to the Coils is sound...

My last guess is the ECU is is the only thing left following all the power checks to the coils!

The reference to A132 in RAVE is a typo - the ECM Z132 is what directly fires the coils - read the description in the attached screenshot....also if you look through the Schematics, the Coils are directly plugged into the ECM (Z132)....

From Robs post above, he has power on to the coils, it is just the ECU isn't firing them - this can only be because the ECU doesn't know when to, or if the engine is running....


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The reference to A132 in RAVE is a typo - the ECM Z132 is what directly fires the coils - read the description in the attached screenshot....also if you look through the Schematics, the Coils are directly plugged into the ECM (Z132)....

From Robs post above, he has power on to the coils, it is just the ECU isn't firing them - this can only be because the ECU doesn't know when to, or if the engine is running....
new ECM code must be input before ignition is switched on, you probably already know this but just in case :)

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