Oh and a grand to do that piffling list of jobs ya posted is taking the ****. There's about £300 worth of work there. So ya noo mechanic friend is ripping yu orf anorl. Yu must have cuunt written on ya forehead or summat!!!

A pair of new rear brake discs and pads, 4 new shocks, a full set of bushes, an engine flush, new oil, a service kit, trackrods, new headlights and bulbs, the passenger door sorted (some motor wasn't pushing something all the way or something) front right tracking out, emissions problem investigated and rectified, and an MOT done for £300??????????????????

Its a pity you are not a mechanic really................... know all, know bugger all.
As one adult to another................ do you honestly want me to reply to that????

Yes Pleeeese

If so, I think I may have to go and find some adults to talk to!
would you be able to relate to them or understand what they were saying??

I paid a PROFESSIONAL to take care of my car, and I paid him well! If he failed, that NOT my fault. The same as, if you pay a doctor to have a look at the illness you are suffering from, and you are still ill, its not YOUR fault, its theirs! They are the ones you pay a fortune to, they are the ones who are to blame......
I'm sure the police and courts would let you off then if you were ever involved in a crash and killed some poor fooker
are you too stupid to understand that????

I seem to have a bit more intelligence than you !!!

Not once, not a single time, have I suggested I am an expert in anything mechanical, I am a simple fencer, but I earn a good wedge, and because I do I pay someone else a good wedge to care for my car.
The law doesn't give a toss how much you spend The responsibility still lies with you....
the only thing I am guilty of is poor judgement when it comes to a mechanic, but thats been rectified, now get off your high horse, you and all the other sanctimonious t wats, and wind yer necks in!
No you are guilty of gross stupidity if you can't tell wether the vehicle you are driving is fit to be driven or not! How long have yu held a full licence for FFS?

Oh and Mark Disco, if you think for one second I am going to reply to that post...................... think again!
You just did :doh:
I'm sure the police and courts would let you off then if you were ever involved in a crash and killed some poor fooker I seem to have a bit more intelligence than you !!!

The law doesn't give a toss how much you spend The responsibility still lies with you.... No you are guilty of gross stupidity if you can't tell wether the vehicle you are driving is fit to be driven or not! How long have yu held a full licence for FFS?

Actually you are wrong, if the vehicle has a valid, recent MOT then you are technically exempt from prosecution.....

Oh and IF is a brilliant word..............

IF my uncle had TITS he would be my AUNT!
A pair of new rear brake discs and pads, 4 new shocks, a full set of bushes, an engine flush, new oil, a service kit, trackrods, new headlights and bulbs, the passenger door sorted (some motor wasn't pushing something all the way or something) front right tracking out, emissions problem investigated and rectified, and an MOT done for £300??????????????????

Its a pity you are not a mechanic really................... know all, know bugger all.

Rear discs and pads £20
4 new shocks £50max
bushes £ 5
Oil & filters £50
headlights £15 a pair off ebay.
Central locking motor £10
MOT £35.

Yu've been shafted matey!!! :eek:
Actually you are wrong, if the vehicle has a valid, recent MOT then you are technically exempt from prosecution.....
Where the **** did you pull that pile of **** from???:eek:

Oh and IF is a brilliant word..............

IF my uncle had TITS he would be my AUNT!
Your from Norfolk FFS he probably is...
Rear discs and pads £20
4 new shocks £50max
bushes £ 5
Oil & filters £50
headlights £15 a pair off ebay.
Central locking motor £10
MOT £35.

Yu've been shafted matey!!! :eek:

shocks...... £50 EACH!

All the other parts are the responsibility of the mechanic..............


.................. and if I di any of the work myself I would have all you self centered, sanctimonious, self righteous
t wats telling me that because I have NO MECHANICAL ABILITY AT ALL I shouldn't be doing the work at all.....

So if all you children could make your minds up, thats great!
well thats just the sort of answer i would expect from a spotty teenager !!
if ya want to get ripped off by a "so called mechanic" carry on !!
ya must have more money than brains !!
and why the fook dont ya just buy a decent landy problem solved !!!

fooking knob !!!
well thats just the sort of answer i would expect from a spotty teenager !!
if ya want to get ripped off by a "so called mechanic" carry on !!
ya must have more money than brains !!
and why the fook dont ya just buy a decent landy problem solved !!!

fooking knob !!!

You are gonna be so ****ed when you wake up in the morning sober and read these two lines bro!

Jeez, I used to wonder why so many poms came to OZ............... now I am starting to understand why!
do it yourself - then you'll know its wrong an broken straight away - then it can be fixed straight away.

pay a clown who doesnt know what he's doing - your driving a dangerous illegal death trap - its you who faces fines/points/prison/death and not your rather wealthy mechanic

know which 1 i'd choose.
ps if you can read then you can fix anythin on a disco. mechanically minded or not, its just a big lego set with a haynes manual for instructions.
do it yourself - then you'll know its wrong an broken straight away - then it can be fixed straight away.

pay a clown who doesnt know what he's doing - your driving a dangerous illegal death trap - its you who faces fines/points/prison/death and not your rather wealthy mechanic

know which 1 i'd choose.
ps if you can read then you can fix anythin on a disco. mechanically minded or not, its just a big lego set with a haynes manual for instructions.

Thats not what Sean says, so you say one thing and he says another, either way, I'm damned.......
you aint damned, but you've made yaself look a bit of a proper tit, an ya managed it in 2 sentences.......

"i dont check my car........."

".....im not mechanically minded"

whats up with the car is simple stuff (an redhand is right - £300-£400 would be a fair price) an most on ere have said nice 1 for gettin it sorted.

what you seem to miss, an whats ****ed everyone off, is your attitude of "i pay someone else so i only have to turn the key and drive". cars dont work like that, never have and never will. it aint your mechanics job to diagnose ALL faults - that shock could have broke 60 seconds after leaving your mechanics garage. he see's the car for 3 hours every 6 months. YOU drive the car, YOU hear its noises and YOU know if summat is wrong.

instead of blaming your mechanic and harping on about how much you pay him - try being a man, admitting you ****ed up, and try an actually learn how to check ya own car. all this stuff your fixing now aint gonna stop a wheel bearing failure 2 hours after you get the car back. you spendin 10 mins a week might tho. an with the advice on ere, even someone without a clue could do anythin, so you got no excuse to drive a dangerous car. personally i couldnt care what you drive or the state its in, you aint gonna crash into me. might be worth screwin ya head on for ya own wallet an piece of mind tho :welcome2:
It is the responsibiliy of the driver of a vehicle to check it is safe to drive before they embark on any journey. If a fault is evident and you are unable to fix it you shouldn't drive it.

Lack of technical knowlegde is know excuse for driving an unroadworthy vehicle.

Just think , if your caught with 4 bald tyres thats 3 points for each and an immediate ban.
I have read a load of posts on this forum over the last couple of months I have been on it about people talking about the knocks and thumps their cars make, about the dinks and chincks the rattles and shakes, now add to that an Ifor williams trailer full of tools and materials and you tell me how you can hear the noise of of whatever the hell was wrong with the truck?
The tyres I have already said about, I knew they were on the way out and was already onto them, but it was only two not all four so lets not start exaggeration eh?....
I love the way this thread has gone around in circles, its fun! First I am wrong doing the work myself, then I am wrong to trust a professional, then I am driving a DEATHCAR thats killing all the little children as it drives around the Moor, and now I am loosing my license!

Seriously people, you all need to get out more and stop thumping away at the keyboard like spotty teens, furiously laying down the law to all who pass............ Its ONLY PIXELS! It don't mean nothing, and if any of you think your scorn will make me do anything different..................... think again.

If the Disco really is so badly built that its not fit for purpose I will just go and buy another Toyota Hilux, because that NEVER went wrong!
I paid a PROFESSIONAL to take care of my car, and I paid him well! If he failed, that NOT my fault. The same as, if you pay a doctor to have a look at the illness you are suffering from, and you are still ill, its not YOUR fault, its theirs! They are the ones you pay a fortune to, they are the ones who are to blame...... are you too stupid to understand that????

Actually it is, It is your responsibility to keep your car mainatined. Even if it left the garage on your way home and you got stopped by Vosa or the law You would be in trouble because it is your vehicle and having another mechanic fix it is no excuse. It will be your points. you may be able to get some money back or the work carried out correctly with your rights as a consumer but ultimatly you will have the points on your license. As for Hyluxs, you think Discos Rot! Laughable. Jai
What a crock!

What an absolute crock!

I am so sure thats a crock of crap I am going to ring the DVLA on Monday and ask them, then I am going to post the reply on here, hell I will even get them to send me a conformation e-mail to back me up and then people can see what a load of crap actually gets written on an internet forum!

Ha!!! What a laugh!

........... and do you know how much I know thats a crock of crap? If some blonde bint takes her Renault Clio to the garage to be fixed and she is pulled over by the authorities and they find a fault are you honestly telling me that its her fault? Bollocks! Its the paid professionals fault and THAT is where the blame lies, thats why you have accreditation and qualifications for mechanics, thats why they have certificates on the wall, thats why they are there, otherwise you would just have EVERYONE doing the work on their own cars!

Accept the fact that the only reason you are all getting bent out of shape is because its a Landrover! If it was ANY OTHER car it would not have caused so many sanctimonious do-gooders furiously typing their displeasure at what? Oh yeah, at me GETTING MY CAR FIXED FFS!!!

So sad......

Oh and can some of you please learn English, I'm not even from here and I speak better English than most of you lot!

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