i you think you can come on here and say stupid things and admit to having driven a dangerous vehicle, and then not get some flac in return - your on the wrong forum

Are you serious?

I came on here to post that I just put my car in for an MOT and found out that there was a lot wrong with it, YOU turned this into a thread about me driving a car I knew was lethal.......

I am having the work done, at considerable cost, including a few extras, like ALL the advisories, which I believe I don't LEGALY have to do, and yet still you are starting a crusade against me.......

A little childish isn't it?
I dont care if you are not mechanically minded - anyone should be able to check for....

shocks - one wasn't even bloody attached FFS!
Passenger door couldn't be opened,
front tyres thread,

I understand you may not be competent with a spanner, but surely you can tell if a shock is waving in the air, a door wont OPEN FFS! and tyre wear?

Tyre wear, well yeah, admittedly I knew one was a little low, it still had tread on it, but I was unsure, as it happens I had already ordered new BFG's because I got stuck the other day at work. The shock..... The bush had gone, now since it was still bolted to the car but it had no bush, if it was swinging in the air I would pretty much have noticed do you not think!?

The passenger door has always not opened................. ALWAYS! So, I have had the car three years now and it has gone straight through 2 MOT's................ any suggestions as to why it passed in Norfolk but failed in Devon?
Are you serious?

I came on here to post that I just put my car in for an MOT and found out that there was a lot wrong with it, YOU turned this into a thread about me driving a car I knew was lethal.......

I am having the work done, at considerable cost, including a few extras, like ALL the advisories, which I believe I don't LEGALY have to do, and yet still you are starting a crusade against me.......

A little childish isn't it?

pointing out that your maintenance schedule is lacking, that your mechanic may not be the best and that changing your own pads while freely admitting to being a mechanical numpty is in your eyes a personal crusade against you then could i politely suggest that your understanding of what a crusade actually is is somewhat different to mine

or maybe you just don't like hearing the truth
At least yu are getting the things done - maybe a 6 monthly check might be in order?

I have been getting it serviced once a year and Mot'd once a year, never at the same time, and always about, but not always, 6 months apart from each other (in truth more for money than anything else)
pointing out that your maintenance schedule is lacking, that your mechanic may not be the best and that changing your own pads while freely admitting to being a mechanical numpty is in your eyes a personal crusade against you then could i politely suggest that your understanding of what a crusade actually is is somewhat different to mine

or maybe you just don't like hearing the truth

Oh yeah, yeah, thats it.........

I have done everything right. When I posted on here a while ago about brake pads I was told they were easy, no worries and a child could do them, well I couldnt, so in the end I needed help, once shown it looked easy.

Your argument is lame, your examples pathetic, and I think its fairly obvious that you are just a little too sanctimonious for my liking so, respectfully, I shall ignore you and treat you as you deserve to be treated.
Oh yeah, yeah, thats it.........

I have done everything right. When I posted on here a while ago about brake pads I was told they were easy, no worries and a child could do them, well I couldnt, so in the end I needed help, once shown it looked easy.

Your argument is lame, your examples pathetic, and I think its fairly obvious that you are just a little too sanctimonious for my liking so, respectfully, I shall ignore you and treat you as you deserve to be treated.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxaBhH1tyEI"]YouTube - I want bitty![/ame]
I'm sorry Bluedog, I'm an idiot and I was wrong to judge you, please accept my most humble apologies.......

Thats fine, we are good, and its very big of you to admit you were wrong, it turns out you are a bigger man than I was told you are...................
Thats fine, we are good, and its very big of you to admit you were wrong, it turns out you are a bigger man than I was told you are...................

editing peoples posts to suit yer own argument eh ... that's a new novel trick that's not been done on here before

you carry on there, i'm glad yer getting yer landy sorted properly, maybe in future you'll keep on eye on things

i'm off out to collect a curry
editing peoples posts to suit yer own argument eh ... that's a new novel trick that's not been done on here before

you carry on there, i'm glad yer getting yer landy sorted properly, maybe in future you'll keep on eye on things

i'm off out to collect a curry

Miss you..............
I dont care if you are not mechanically minded - anyone should be able to check for....

shocks - one wasn't even bloody attached FFS!
Passenger door couldn't be opened,
front tyres thread,

I understand you may not be competent with a spanner, but surely you can tell if a shock is waving in the air, a door wont OPEN FFS! and tyre wear?

everyone may suffer occasionally from a headlight mis-aligned - or one shock that weeps a bit, but that list shows a blatant disregard for your safety, your passengers and that of other road users.
That assumes he has passengers.My cars are all five doors but only the fronts get used.Yes if he knew about that he should have got it sorted.Look, has he really done anything wrong?Hes got a car that is taxed and tested.He tells us hes bought a car for work purposes.In my opinion hes got the right motor for the job.He tells us he isnt confident about fixing it him self so pays someone he belives is quailified to do it.He admits when the car needs sorting and soesnt attempt to bodge it.Hes prepared to pay a grand to get it sorted.Cant say fairer than that.
glad your getting the car sorted, but.......

having just done the suspension and brakes on mine im afraid i have to say ... is your stereo very loud? do you have a hole in the bottom of the drivers seat that acts as an 'emergency fluid escape hatch'?

"a shock that wasnt even attached" .... "it was attached but the bush was missing". did you not notice a weird knocking/banging noise? did you not notice your car handled a bit like a canal boat? i noticed i had WORN bushes just because the car wallowed, i'd probably be dead if the bushes were any worse, and yet you've drove round with defective bushes and shocks?

all the brakes were shot - and you didnt know?? if its hilly where you are - SURELY you noticed you werent stopping??

mechanically minded or not - SIMPLE VISUAL CHECKS could have told you the above problems. you can touch the shocks without gettin your hands dirty - give um a wobble once a month. same with the springs. once a WEEK you should be LOOKING at your brake discs and pads. no need to take wheels off or get a manual out or even get dirty - just LOOK at them.

not being mechanically minded is unfortunately NOT an excuse for not even looking. a Haynes manual will tell you where to look - but that costs money. you have the INTERNET - you use a LAND ROVER FORUM!! advice here is free and is the best around. wanna know how to LOOK for problems, spot them EARLY and fix them cheap - ASK HERE.

im trying not to have a pop at you here but its not only your life that is affected by a defective/dangerous vehicle. and for the sake of 10 mins a week to look at a few parts and make sure they look ok, having a listen to any unusual knocks or bangs while you drive, and asking advice on ANYTHING that MIGHT be wrong - those 10 mins could save lives.
I'd just like to point out that i am in no way connected or related to the author of the above post
Apart from what has already been said about the general condition of the landy (or lack of), what I also find worrying is the fact that you are relying soley on your brakes while decending steep inclines bluedog.:eek::eek::eek:

I would have thought that engine braking would be a key factor for you especially as you say you tow heavy trailers. Brake fade due to long constant brake applications is not a good thing.
My drop arm joint has gone again after 3 months.....should I keep driving me car???The Mot aint for another 12 months??

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