3 pages on - and I am still at a loss as to know what you wanted by posting this.
Are you trying to say that your Motor failed the MOT? - big deal!
by lots? - big deal!
That you have been ripped off by garages? - Surprise!
that you know nothing about mechanics? and!?

so why are you taking it to another garage?

And what, genius, do you suggest I do? Magic a new car from the air?

Jeez you poms can be dull sometimes!

I posted it because its a Landrover forum, people discuss stuff, so I posted on a discussion forum to discuss the car and its failure of the MOT! How is that hard to understand? How can you possibly not grasp that concept?
I made this comment yesterday

Originally Posted by ratty
Apart from what has already been said about the general condition of the landy (or lack of), what I also find worrying is the fact that you are relying soley on your brakes while decending steep inclines bluedog.:eek::eek::eek:

I would have thought that engine braking would be a key factor for you especially as you say you tow heavy trailers. Brake fade due to long constant brake applications is not a good thing.

You then replied with this......

Who said that?

Now you have said this......

Bad brakes, well, lets look at that for a second. The discs were warped I'm told, now, is that supposed to happen? Is that normal for a car? Because as I said, I have had 3 cars in the last 12 years and it only happened to the Disco...... and I'm told excessive heat is one of the causes, now if thats the case then maybe thats why the Discovery isn't exactly the most popular 4x4 in my homeland, because if Landrover think this is hot in the UK they know bugger all about heat.

So back to what I said. The reason that you are going through brakes so fast is because you can't drive using engine braking. You use your brakes to slow you instead of using your engine to prevent the speed getting up in the first place. If towing on steep hills with a loaded trailer a SAFE driver will drive defensivly.

I paid a PROFESSIONAL to take care of my car, and I paid him well! If he failed, that NOT my fault. The same as, if you pay a doctor to have a look at the illness you are suffering from, and you are still ill, its not YOUR fault, its theirs! They are the ones you pay a fortune to, they are the ones who are to blame...... are you too stupid to understand that????

So just to clarify what you have just said....

You pay your mechanic to check over your car every time you drive it?:confused:

I could have sworn that you said that you get your car serviced once a year and the mot in the middle of the service interval??????:confused:

How is it your mechanics fault (irrespective of if they are any good or not) that your vehicle is not roadworthy when you fail to check the operation of key components of your vehicle?

I had a drop arm ball joint wearing on my vehicle just before christmas. It was only about 3 months old. I took my vehicle off the road. I missed out on several laning trips and was without transport for about 3 weeks because I didn't have the time to sort it out myself. I knew it was worn because I could see the cover had come off and the grease had turned a rusty colour.

Sirus has had a drop arm ball joint replaced around the same time as mine. His is now nackered too. He has very limited knowledge of the workings of a landrover but HE noticed it. (It's about page 6 of this thread).

It doesn't matter what car you drive. Poor maintenance is a killer. Using your mechanic (again irrespective of how good he is or isn't) as an excuse is a cop out. I don't condone ganging up on people. I hate bullies. Even though I agree with what is being said by most people I have kept out as I didn't want to appear to be jumping on the band wagon.

I hope that rather than giving me a load of abuse about who else you can blame and how you are perfect in every way, you sit back for a second and look at this from a different perspective.

I had this same chat several years ago with a guy who broke down near where I live. I went out and got his car running and pointed out some dangerous faults. 3 months later he crashed that car and killed his wife and 2 kids. How do you think I feel? The faults that I pointed out were still present at the time of the accident. He had a knackered shocker and the brakes were metal to metal.

Before you give me the crap about as soon as you found the faults were there you are getting them sorted. There should never be THAT MANY faults that you haven't realised are there.

The following statement makes me think that no matter what is said to you you won't change your ways.

Not once, not a single time, have I suggested I am an expert in anything mechanical, I am a simple fencer, but I earn a good wedge, and because I do I pay someone else a good wedge to care for my car..... the only thing I am guilty of is poor judgement when it comes to a mechanic, but thats been rectified, now get off your high horse, you and all the other sanctimonious t wats, and wind yer necks in!

How about proving me wrong?:(
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I had this same chat several years ago with a guy who broke down near where I live. I went out and got his car running and pointed out some dangerous faults. 3 months later he crashed that car and killed his wife and 2 kids. How do you think I feel? The faults that I pointed out were still present at the time of the accident. He had a knackered shocker and the brakes were metal to metal.


Oh dear god, you have to be joking man!


The work has been done, nothing you say will make me do anything different, like I said, why buy a dog and bark yerself.......

My car is looked at twice a year, you and the other sanctimonious brothers are more intent on making me the villain, when its obvious from the fact that I am not only having the stuff it failed on but also the advisory stuff done that I am interested in doing the right thing. If things go wrong with the Disco again at the end of the summer when I get it serviced then it will go and will be replaced with a Hilux or Rodeo...........

Even feel like you are making no headway?
:bored:Cor this has got legs.We need to remember that this is a forum for landys.The people on here are car enthusiasts.The ideas suggested are corrected, you should check a car everytime you get in it.NO One does that.And lets be honest the motoring public as a whole are probbably not as mechanically minded as half the bods on here.I suspect there are many motors loike this on the road and the MOT finds em.At least bluedog has tax n test, and the inclination to put wrong things right.There are a million uninsured cars on the road!God knows how many un road worthy motors there are.At least his putting the wrongs right.Lets not try to alienate him, lets suggest constructive comments.Dartmoor boys suggest a decent, honest service garage etc.
Been a while since we've had a decent kick off on here.:D:D:D
At least his putting the wrongs right.Lets not try to alienate him, lets suggest constructive comments.Dartmoor boys suggest a decent, honest service garage etc.
Been a while since we've had a decent kick off on here.:D:D:D

no one's having a pop at him for putting the faults right, he might be getting some stick for throwing money away on his choice of mechanic

all i am trying to convince him of is the fact that his vehicle isn't getting enough maintenance - he's aware that the vehicle works hard, so is it not plain old fashioned common sense not to accept (and action) that i will need looking at much more often than twice a year

a point i made in my very first post in this thread - unfortunately he's of the opinion that we are carrying out a "crusade" against him
no one's having a pop at him for putting the faults right, he might be getting some stick for throwing money away on his choice of mechanic

all i am trying to convince him of is the fact that his vehicle isn't getting enough maintenance - he's aware that the vehicle works hard, so is it not plain old fashioned common sense not to accept (and action) that i will need looking at much more often than twice a year

a point i made in my very first post in this thread - unfortunately he's of the opinion that we are carrying out a "crusade" against him
The way you trying to convince him isnt working.It needs to be modified.If it was working then there wouldnt be a zillion pages on the fred!He aint killed anyone yet, so dont treat him like he has.Anyone local wanna go help him?Any one know of decent garages?Any one wanna go sort it for him?He will score ya a grand for it!
This comment is not intended to sound sanctimonious or condascending, but:

The harder a vehicle works for it's living, the more likely it will require some maintenance over and above routine levels.

As a transport manager I am duty bound by law to religiously have trucks and trailers inspected to VOSA standard every six weeks with the sole pupose of ensuring that they are fit for purpose and are not dangerous.

Given the geographical area that this 'catastrophic failure' predominantly works in and how hard it has been stated in this thread that it has to work; i.e. steep hills and a fairly heavy trailer - there is absolutely no excuse for the mechanical condition of the vehicle.

You have a duty of care to yourself and other road users to maintain a vehicle that is fit for purpose and road legal - 52 weeks of the year.

There are NO excuses, VOSA, the Police and the Courts regard unsafe vehicles as an 'absolute offence'; They will not accept any excuse, that vehicle was used on the public highway in unsafe condition - end of story, here's your fine and some points on your licence.....

Please instigate a regular inspection/maintenance regime - it doesn't matter whether you get a newer vehicle or not as the high wear and tear of the job is still there.
I'm sorry to say it but there is an accident waiting to happen here - don't forget the new Corporate Manslaughter laws either, they apply to one man bands as well as the big multinationals....
oooooeeeeee who swallowed a dick shun ree......how do you find time to check trailers when yer burying prostitutes all day ?
The way you trying to convince him isnt working.It needs to be modified.If it was working then there wouldnt be a zillion pages on the fred!He aint killed anyone yet, so dont treat him like he has.Anyone local wanna go help him?Any one know of decent garages?Any one wanna go sort it for him?He will score ya a grand for it!

As said before Goony - throwing money at the prob wont necessarily fix it. He may not be a good mechanic - but everyone that drives should have some basic understanding of how a vehicle works. I feel that his attitude has, from the beginning been to blame everyone else but himself - its the garages fault that the work has not been done properly - its the MOT stations fault for not picking up on prospective faults - its our fault if we say he needs to carry out basic checks himself. You cant help someone that isn't prepared to help himself, and his whole approach has been that he is the misunderstood victim. I am sure, as I stated before, that plenty local to him would have offered to help, if he had a different outlook. Who wants to help someone that will blame you for everything that you do or find?
As said before Goony - throwing money at the prob wont necessarily fix it. He may not be a good mechanic - but everyone that drives should have some basic understanding of how a vehicle works. I feel that his attitude has, from the beginning been to blame everyone else but himself - its the garages fault that the work has not been done properly - its the MOT stations fault for not picking up on prospective faults - its our fault if we say he needs to carry out basic checks himself. You cant help someone that isn't prepared to help himself, and his whole approach has been that he is the misunderstood victim. I am sure, as I stated before, that plenty local to him would have offered to help, if he had a different outlook. Who wants to help someone that will blame you for everything that you do or find?
In the same vein he might have asked for help had the original replies not been so sanctimonius.Weve done the finger pointing and mudslinging now maybe some help can come his way.My missus has zero knowledge about cars.I check hers out for her.If we werent to be together any more i wouldnt be checking her motor but she would still drive it.There are thousands if not millions of people like that out there.At least bluedog is taking an interest.
And what, genius, do you suggest I do? Magic a new car from the air?

Jeez you poms can be dull sometimes!

I posted it because its a Landrover forum, people discuss stuff, so I posted on a discussion forum to discuss the car and its failure of the MOT! How is that hard to understand? How can you possibly not grasp that concept?

Of course i dont - maybe you might consider trying to learn basic car mechanics? - at least enough to recognise a bald tyre and realise it wont pass an MOT like that. We would be willing to help.
Dull - maybe we are - but this thread has livened things up for a day or so.
Yu say peeps on a forum discuss stuff and you wanted to discuss the failure of your car at its MOT - I am nor sure what there is to discuss - it failed - If you believe it was unfair then you can appeal, but it appears that the general consensus on here is that it isnt surprising it failed. Some items you might have missed, but other items Skippy, the ****in' Kangaroo, would have seen. Now do you want our help - or do you just want to antagonize peeps, achieve nothing, go away to your own self-righteous part of the UK and continue to pay garage to not do the job properly? Would it not be worth your while to learn just enough to know when a garage is lying its back teeth off, whilst pulling the gold out of yours?

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