most defently !!
im sure you can change a oil filter and a air filter and fuel filter thats half the service done for the cost of the parts !!

Nope, not a clue! I recently changed the brake pads and it took me hours and I had to involve 4 other people AND call my mechanic mate in Sussex.
Nope, not a clue! I recently changed the brake pads and it took me hours and I had to involve 4 other people AND call my mechanic mate in Sussex.

well all i can say is buy a haynes manual then !!!

or cant you read aswell !!!
you might like to mention to him when you visit next that you've been driving a death trap, you say it's worked hard yet you only have it serviced once a year - perhaps you are mechanically ignorant but just once a year shows a lack of common sense

So having it serviced once a year and Mot'd once a year, 6 months apart is being ignorant?


I think the point here is that the mechanic I used was a shark, the one I have now is a good one, and since its in having the work done I'm not sure why the hell I am getting the sanctimonious replies, but cheers guys.................
Nope, not a clue! I recently changed the brake pads and it took me hours and I had to involve 4 other people AND call my mechanic mate in Sussex.

so you admit to being a mechanical numpty yet you've been changing pads

it's getting worse
Oh I can read, I am just NOT MECHANICALLY MINDED!

well join the club mate !!! nor am i but ill get me hands dirty and try to get things done !
im not blasting you at all but it does seem a little exsessive as to what it failed on !!
bluedog dont worry about it.If members on here wanna encourage another gresham let them, just dont let it be you.You pay to get it fixed cos you dont know wot ya doing, stands to reason to me!
well join the club mate !!! nor am i but ill get me hands dirty and try to get things done !
im not blasting you at all but it does seem a little exsessive as to what it failed on !!

The irony of this post is that Sean then tells me that if I am not mechanically minded I should not touch the car, which is what I did, I trusted a mechanic, and he stung me........
fraid your last post just proved who the real t wat is here pal

yer second name isnt Gresham is it ?
Bit contadictory there sean.Gresham did stuff himself and thought he was right.Bluedog knows he dont know wot hes doing and gets it fixed by a "profesional".
bluedog dont worry about it.If members on here wanna encourage another gresham let them, just dont let it be you.You pay to get it fixed cos you dont know wot ya doing, stands to reason to me!

Yeah thats what I have done, cheers, and the guy who is doing the work keeps me regularly updated and comes really highly recommended, the last one was a friend of a friend.
Bit contadictory there sean.Gresham did stuff himself and thought he was right.Bluedog knows he dont know wot hes doing and gets it fixed by a "profesional".

but doing his own pads is ok then ?

knowing that you have no mechanical knowledge, yet still carrying out works that could result in serious accident, while knowing full well that the vehicle is worked hard and pulls heavy loads is nothing short of stupidity

at least he's using a mechanic now
well i think the lesson learnt is keep a closer eye on it, if in doubt get it checked out.
Oh I think the lesson learnt here is not to post anything on a forum that can be used against you................. of course with some posters around that limits what you can actually post!
The irony of this post is that Sean then tells me that if I am not mechanically minded I should not touch the car, which is what I did, I trusted a mechanic, and he stung me........

your words below

"I recently changed the brake pads and it took me hours and I had to involve 4 other people AND call my mechanic mate in Sussex."
Oh I think the lesson learnt here is not to post anything on a forum that can be used against you................. of course with some posters around that limits what you can actually post!

i you think you can come on here and say stupid things and admit to having driven a dangerous vehicle, and then not get some flac in return - your on the wrong forum
your words below

"I recently changed the brake pads and it took me hours and I had to involve 4 other people AND call my mechanic mate in Sussex."

If you want I can tye a few more things and you can quote them out of context, that way people will read your posts and think............ "Oh Sean, what a man you are, you showed him!"


You could leave me alone and run along and play with someone else.

Now if you have any more sanctimonious rubbish to spout I can direct you to a site that would love to hear from you............. Idon'
If you want I can tye a few more things and you can quote them out of context, that way people will read your posts and think............ "Oh Sean, what a man you are, you showed him!"


You could leave me alone and run along and play with someone else.

Now if you have any more sanctimonious rubbish to spout I can direct you to a site that would love to hear from you............. Idon'

ah bless ......

ok lets start over - in an ideal world what would have been a more pleasing response to your OP ?
I dont care if you are not mechanically minded - anyone should be able to check for....

shocks - one wasn't even bloody attached FFS!
Passenger door couldn't be opened,
front tyres thread,

I understand you may not be competent with a spanner, but surely you can tell if a shock is waving in the air, a door wont OPEN FFS! and tyre wear?

everyone may suffer occasionally from a headlight mis-aligned - or one shock that weeps a bit, but that list shows a blatant disregard for your safety, your passengers and that of other road users.
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