My drop arm joint has gone again after 3 months.....should I keep driving me car???The Mot aint for another 12 months??

I find that if I get the ones with the solid metal rings retaining the gator they last a year or so. If I get the ones with the ****ty spring type retainers they die quick. My previous one only lasted a few months too.:mad:
If yu have been driving it like that - yu need the book throwing at you - It shouldnt be on the road :mad:.

Its either a windup or the bloke as james may would say is a C-O-CK
Uses it daily for work :eek:
Ever greased a prop :rolleyes:
a vosa inspector would love you bluedog,
need to put you,re hand in you,re pocket now and again and get it inspected before you kill someone.
glad your getting the car sorted, but.......

having just done the suspension and brakes on mine im afraid i have to say ... is your stereo very loud? do you have a hole in the bottom of the drivers seat that acts as an 'emergency fluid escape hatch'?

"a shock that wasnt even attached" .... "it was attached but the bush was missing". did you not notice a weird knocking/banging noise? did you not notice your car handled a bit like a canal boat? i noticed i had WORN bushes just because the car wallowed, i'd probably be dead if the bushes were any worse, and yet you've drove round with defective bushes and shocks?

all the brakes were shot - and you didnt know?? if its hilly where you are - SURELY you noticed you werent stopping??

mechanically minded or not - SIMPLE VISUAL CHECKS could have told you the above problems. you can touch the shocks without gettin your hands dirty - give um a wobble once a month. same with the springs. once a WEEK you should be LOOKING at your brake discs and pads. no need to take wheels off or get a manual out or even get dirty - just LOOK at them.

not being mechanically minded is unfortunately NOT an excuse for not even looking. a Haynes manual will tell you where to look - but that costs money. you have the INTERNET - you use a LAND ROVER FORUM!! advice here is free and is the best around. wanna know how to LOOK for problems, spot them EARLY and fix them cheap - ASK HERE.

im trying not to have a pop at you here but its not only your life that is affected by a defective/dangerous vehicle. and for the sake of 10 mins a week to look at a few parts and make sure they look ok, having a listen to any unusual knocks or bangs while you drive, and asking advice on ANYTHING that MIGHT be wrong - those 10 mins could save lives.


Its either a windup or the bloke as james may would say is a C-O-CK
Uses it daily for work :eek:
Ever greased a prop :rolleyes:

a vosa inspector would love you bluedog,
need to put you,re hand in you,re pocket now and again and get it inspected before you kill someone.

Oooo goody, more sanctimonious posters!

I actually showed my mechanic, the new one, this thread earlier and he was totally blown away by all your comment, but he did say.........."Typical sad Landy freaks!"

His words not mine, so no point shooting the messenger!

Glad to hear the Landyzone community is so nice and friendly, and its also good to hear you are all so perfect. Owning a Landrover is not a prerequisite for being a grease monkey, its the third 4x4 I have owned in 12 years, and I have to say, while its the best of the lot, the people who love the Landrover are a seriously sad bunch of people if this thread is to be taken as a gauge....................
a vosa inspector would love you bluedog,
need to put you,re hand in you,re pocket now and again and get it inspected before you kill someone.

I am spending over a grand to get it back on the road, I have been, for the last 2 years, spending over £400 to service it, and its me who is vilified................. Just how much more do you suggest I spend on the vehicle?
Apart from what has already been said about the general condition of the landy (or lack of), what I also find worrying is the fact that you are relying soley on your brakes while decending steep inclines bluedog.:eek::eek::eek:

I would have thought that engine braking would be a key factor for you especially as you say you tow heavy trailers. Brake fade due to long constant brake applications is not a good thing.

Who said that?
I am spending over a grand to get it back on the road, I have been, for the last 2 years, spending over £400 to service it, and its me who is vilified................. Just how much more do you suggest I spend on the vehicle?

I'd go and kick the bloke who serviced it last up the arse....400 quid for that service:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Its amazing, I get ripped off by my mechanic, decide to get all the work I need done and all you t wats decide its my fault!

I own a car, drive a car, and rely on a skilled trade to maintain said car, but its my fault that car is faulty!

If I owned a Ford would you all feel the same or is it because I own a Landrover that the issue is so inflamatory??!!

You all need to get out and get a life, there is a whole world out there people!
I'd go and kick the bloke who serviced it last up the arse....400 quid for that service:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

................... and thats my damned point FFS!

I rely on someone who is supposedly trained as a mechanic, he not only rips me off but also does a crap job, and I am the one being ostracized!

So far no one has explained to me why, in Norfolk, a passenger door that fails to open is OK, but here in Devon its an MOT fail!

If the MOT center cant even come to the same conclusion what hope does someone with no mechanical skill stand a chance??

................... and thats my damned point FFS!

I rely on someone who is supposedly trained as a mechanic, he not only rips me off but also does a crap job, and I am the one being ostracized!

So far no one has explained to me why, in Norfolk, a passenger door that fails to open is OK, but here in Devon its an MOT fail!

If the MOT center cant even come to the same conclusion what hope does someone with no mechanical skill stand a chance??


Cuz in Norfolk no one cares if passengers die.......they can just breed another one with their sister
Cuz in Norfolk no one cares if passengers die.......they can just breed another one with their sister

Well thats a given, but surely an MOT center is an MOT center the country over.....

The one thing I was worried about was the emissions, it passed but I am still having the smoke sorted out. The headlights were an advisory and I have had them replaced, in fact everything, including the advisories, that was wrong with it is being done, thats why its been at the mechanics since Thursday!
this is my 1st landy, so sorry but i aint a sad landy owning freak. my previous cars include custom cars, show cars, drag racers and so on.

the point i was trying to make is ANY car regardless of make needs the owner to look at it once in a while and make sure its ok. older vehicles need more looking after than newer 1s, surely thats common sense?

as for the amount of money you spend on it - America spends BILLIONS a year on its military and it STILL cant win a single war on its own! money doesnt fix all problems (unless you can buy off the copper who next pulls you over for having a bald tyre :doh:)

do you ever check your oil? what if it gets low and then runs out and suddenly the engine siezes? what if as you come grinding to a halt on a busy A road the vehicle behind is a mum carrying 4 kids to a footy game?

after the bang would you stand there and say "oh well, im not mechanically minded so its not my fault"?

hopefully you'll walk away from this and learn where and how to look over your vehicle once in a while. kill yourself by all means in a death-trap, just dont take innocent people with you in the crash that WILL happen in a vehicle with no brakes, a shock hanging off, and bald tyres!!
Eeee FFS imagine this scenario! a work mate tells you he hasn't got a clue what he's doing when he's at work. But he's been doing the job for ages.. what would your reaction be.

At the end of the day the Law and common sense demands that your vehicle must be road worthy and safe at all times. Not just when It gets a service or goes for it's MOT. It is the drivers responsibility to ensure that it is safe at all times. If you get stopped and you have a bald tyre. It is you that gets the 3 points and the £60 fine. not the merchanic that Alledgedly serviced your motor 3 months previously.

Then you come on here and tell us that you make no attempt at all to keep you're vehicle safe or road worthy, other than a bi-annual check by a service and a mot inspection. WTF sort of a response did you think you'd get?? A MOT does not make your car road worthy. It just means that for 40minutes of one day of the year. The tester didn't find any fault that would make it dangerous to drive it on a public road. The whole fooking car could fall apart the next day and it wouldn't be fook all to do with the MOT tester. It is YOUR responsibility and an annual service is not a responsible way to maintain a car!!..
Oh and a grand to do that piffling list of jobs ya posted is taking the ****. There's about £300 worth of work there. So ya noo mechanic friend is ripping yu orf anorl. Yu must have cuunt written on ya forehead or summat!!!
Then you come on here and tell us that you make no attempt at all to keep you're vehicle safe or road worthy, other than a bi-annual check by a service and a mot inspection.

As one adult to another................ do you honestly want me to reply to that????


If so, I think I may have to go and find some adults to talk to!

I paid a PROFESSIONAL to take care of my car, and I paid him well! If he failed, that NOT my fault. The same as, if you pay a doctor to have a look at the illness you are suffering from, and you are still ill, its not YOUR fault, its theirs! They are the ones you pay a fortune to, they are the ones who are to blame...... are you too stupid to understand that????


Not once, not a single time, have I suggested I am an expert in anything mechanical, I am a simple fencer, but I earn a good wedge, and because I do I pay someone else a good wedge to care for my car..... the only thing I am guilty of is poor judgement when it comes to a mechanic, but thats been rectified, now get off your high horse, you and all the other sanctimonious t wats, and wind yer necks in!

Oh and Mark Disco, if you think for one second I am going to reply to that post...................... think again!

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