ah think he means england, you know, that quaint fishing village on the south coast of scotland
with regards to "we started Anything goes for this sort of thing", yes you did, well done.................BUT YOU AIN'T ON ANYTHING GOES ARE YOU !!!

This is "Suggestions", and all i'm saying is 'i do not expect to be shot down in flames by somebody for doing exactly what it says on the tin.....suggestions.

fine you don't see the realivance of a section that MOST of the members COULD (in my opinion) find useful, fine no problem, but seriously lads come on, has rudeness taken over is the norm now to slag em off rather than intellegant debate.
Sod the camping 'mud-club' already do it anyway, it just would have been nice to have had a simular sort off thing here, and if you can't see the connection between Land Rovers and camping and caravanning, maybe you should get a nice little micra.

The toys are well and truely in the pram, you however should learn some manners.
Aye, Brighton born & bred & dunt take it up the Gary............Oops, sorry Sparks!
Got an uncle down that way, but durn't ask me where in Brighton he stays. And yes I know it's a big place and no I wont ask ye if ye know him:rolleyes: :D
Right i'm off then, as usual with the scots, when they are beat they leg it.

there is something strange about Scotland,a country that keeps a law that says buggery is legal !!

is that why you all wear skirts ?

(don't get out of you tree - my dads a Scot)
Yeah... an' sassenach is a scots wurd for a lowlander, as opposed to a highlander, you know... like where Dumfries is :p

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