Doubt it, caravaneers generally look down their noses at campers, not all but some.
They have the opinion that campers are poor, it's funny how myths are started as the are never true.
Doubt it, caravaneers generally look down their noses at campers, not all but some.
They have the opinion that campers are poor, it's funny how myths are started as the are never true.
Behind every myth, there is a grain of truth. It might be distorted through the ages though but it had to start from sumwhere.
There is another Land Rover site on the web, there started small, fortunatly, they embrassed change and improvement, imput from members etc.
thats proberly why they are still going and growing all the time.
this is a great little site, but by shutting doors on ideas without trying them out, it will always be just that, little.

What's the obsession with everything having to get bigger? Why should we want a bigger site? This is easy to navigate, if you stick around beyond a few posts you'll find you can find everything and everyone pretty quickly.

I rarely ask technical questions not because I'm a good mechanic, but because with little ingenuity you can usually find the answer by searching past topics.

For what it's worth I think the most pointless section is 'Introduce yourself'. Most of the time it's the old regulars that do the greeting and I'd reckon about 80/85% of the time noobs don't stay beyond a few tens of posts. And NO not because we're all nasty bullies, just because that's how forums are. People usually try out several until they find one that suits them.

This one is idiosyncratic in as much as it's as much about having a larf as it is about Land Rovers. FFS the second highest poster didn't actually own one until recently. He joined because he used to own one (well, a Gaylander) and it was CRAP!

How active does a forum need to be before it doesn't need to grow anymore?

If it was dying on it's feet & no bugger posted anything for a few days, yeah, maybe it would need a re-think or promotion. They do & it doesn't, to my mind, not that it's my site but sod it, that's what forums are for - Opinions.

You gave yours, it didn't receive an overwhelming 'yes' response. Dont get ****y about it & bitch about what this forum isn't, stick around and join in, you might stay because of what it is.

If it isn't for you there's plenty of other forums. Again, it's my opinion but they seem much of a muchness and in the main the moderators seem to be in need of a blow job which surprises me since there seen to be enough toadys on most for them to be able to get one. :D
There is another Land Rover site on the web, there started small, fortunatly, they embrassed change and improvement, imput from members etc.
thats proberly why they are still going and growing all the time.

this is a great little site, but by shutting doors on ideas without trying them out, it will always be just that, little.
I challenged that point?

There is a great saying that goes "if everytime you open your mouth, you offend, your best not opening your mouth at all".

nuff said.

My comments? Banter. ;)

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