Yeah... an' sassenach is a scots wurd for a lowlander, as opposed to a highlander, you know... like where Dumfries is :p
And with a name like Fraser I can't be a lowlander;) Besides, if a bloke went into a pub here and ordered a half pint (unless it wus whisky) they wid be slagged off to the dogs and called a wummin:D
Only if it's yer first name... I'd say Christian name but I knows yer all heathen types Norf of Watford an' I wunt want ter cause offence ;)
A smilie for all the Australians out there...
Oi Adz, I ain't Jockanese, jest family roots there. Dunt drink halves either, 'cept fkn once, just once & I never hear the last of it.

Jockanese FFS, s'like Merkins all claiming to be bog bandits cuz of some ancient spud farmer lineage thing!
Nah... sgenetics mate, like marryin' yer cousin etc. All hairy palms, six toes and orderin' arves... bad blood will out :D
Ey Buster we're related my great granny wuz a Frazer from Lieth.

An while we're on the subject of creating new sections can we have one for growing vegetables cos as everyone knows Landies go hand in glove with growing stuff.
and a section to compare supermarket prices as everyone knows le clerc has a special on pool filters this week but carrefour are selling them small disposable bbq's for 2.50 euros. shoppi's spanish melons are 4 for 1.50
and a section to compare supermarket prices as everyone knows le clerc has a special on pool filters this week but carrefour are selling them small disposable bbq's for 2.50 euros. shoppi's spanish melons are 4 for 1.50
Fook that, the Co-Op are doing a lovely Aussie Shiraz for 2.99 at the moment ;)
So, having debated the topic objectively for 98 posts of constructive debate, we'll be posting on a new forum called "Sites", then ?

Or was the motion not carried ?

You can tell I'm unsupervised again, I've read about four freds right through this morning.

It's bit like being a spectator at a fox hunt.

Better get back to something constructive. Bit at a loss, though. The only thing wrong with my r rvr at the moment is a back door switch. No challenge in that.

Can we have a sub forum on "What to do if your range rover aint broke" ?:p

Eh? can we, eh? eh? eh? can we? say we can. go on. can we? say we can. go on. pleeeeease can we? we can can't we? go on. say we can. pleeease.go on. pleeeeease can we? we can can't we? go on. say we can. pleeease.go on. pleeeeease can we? we can can't we? go on. say we can. pleeease.go on. pleeeeease can we? we can can't we? go on. say we can. pleeease.go on. pleeeeease can we? we can can't we? go on. say we can. pleeease.go on. pleeeeease can we? we can can't we? go on. say we can. pleeease.go on. pleeeeease can we? we can can't we? go on. say we can. pleeease.go on. pleeeeease can we? we can can't we? go on. say we can. pleeease.go on. pleeeeease can we? we can can't we? go on. say we can. pleeease.go on. pleeeeease can we? we can can't we? go on. say we can. pleeease.:rolleyes: :) :D :mad: :eek: :eek:
Not much of a challenge tho' is it? If yer RR int broke, buy a Gaylander, that should keep you occupied.................and poor! :D

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