Bugger! we was hopin' it was the cord!

reet ave bin fer a dump and i didn't take me computor wiff me. its simple if you want a forum about landrovers go to a landrover forum, if you want one about 4x4ing go to a 4x4 forum and , now this is the really good bit,

if you want a forum about camping go to a camping forum..

otherwise you'll have one really big forum about everything that everyone wants run by ****s that probelly sit infront of their computor in their SS uniforms, and no **** can find anything cos it would end up having sub forums for camping ine yer 4 man tent with airbeds and one for camping in yer 4 man tent with camp beds and a stainless steel thermos. then yud have a sub forum section for folk that pull their shed with a mondeo and folk that pull theirs wiff a beamer.

**** what is these days ever newbie wants to change things to suit them instead of accepting this fer the way it is....
wheres me beer ffs
someone has obviously rattled you cage, so lets get this cleared up.

right then, I made a suggestion on the thread that asked members to make suggestions, it was "why don't we have a section to recommend camping and caravan sites" sort of thing.

A perfectly good suggestion, done politely, with no intention of offending anyone, just thrown out there to see who thought it was a good idea.

then, out of the blue, 'Slob' (who i know is one of the big boys of this site),
came out with a reply that was both patronising and somewhat arrogant, if he didn't like the idea he could have said so in a more polite way.

because i am not accustom to having people talk to me like i'm an idiot, i resonded in a manner that was niether personal or aggressive, instead i merely pointed out that i should not discard an idea without due porcess, as these sites are ment to be for ALL members not just the ones with the highest posting count.

however, that died away and 'Slob' did not reply (fairplay to him, that an end to it), then some friendly banter with a couple of members.

Then you come steaming in like the bloody german army in hob nail boots, quoting this and that, and basically saying "if you don't like it, sod off".

What gives you the right to do that, and now you are telling me i'm getting arsey.
I only ever get arsey with people who attack me first, believe it or not, i am actually a very nice bloke who generally gets on with everyone, but you seem to have got off to a very poor start.

so best you drop it and we will all carry on like nothing was said, it didn't concern you, it still don't.
the world would be a nicer place if people treated people with a little more respect.................and then they wouldn't **** people off.

someone has obviously rattled you cage, so lets get this cleared up.

right then, I made a suggestion on the thread that asked members to make suggestions, it was "why don't we have a section to recommend camping and caravan sites" sort of thing.

A perfectly good suggestion, done politely, with no intention of offending anyone, just thrown out there to see who thought it was a good idea.

then, out of the blue, 'Slob' (who i know is one of the big boys of this site),
came out with a reply that was both patronising and somewhat arrogant, if he didn't like the idea he could have said so in a more polite way.

because i am not accustom to having people talk to me like i'm an idiot, i resonded in a manner that was niether personal or aggressive, instead i merely pointed out that i should not discard an idea without due porcess, as these sites are ment to be for ALL members not just the ones with the highest posting count.

however, that died away and 'Slob' did not reply (fairplay to him, that an end to it), then some friendly banter with a couple of members.

Then you come steaming in like the bloody german army in hob nail boots, quoting this and that, and basically saying "if you don't like it, sod off".

What gives you the right to do that, and now you are telling me i'm getting arsey.
I only ever get arsey with people who attack me first, believe it or not, i am actually a very nice bloke who generally gets on with everyone, but you seem to have got off to a very poor start.

so best you drop it and we will all carry on like nothing was said, it didn't concern you, it still don't.
the world would be a nicer place if people treated people with a little more respect.................and then they wouldn't **** people off.

what crap,, my answer was neither patronising nor arrogant.. it was a somewhat toungue in cheek answer but if you don't reckonise sattire when it hits you, then i feel sorry for ya.. i could have answered with a "well nigel this is really a landrover forum and not a camping one, we do have some wags on it that like to cause amusment amongst themselves and those that just log on to see what dastardly mickey taking is going on each evening. some members chose to ignore tham and other more fun loving like to join in with the sometimes over the top exchanges.
why they even had a whole new section added just so they could use wurds like bum, tit and , dare i say it? arse, without causing offence to anyone."
but i didn't .. cos we like a larf on here so why not rush out and get yerself a humour implant and join in
don't ask me, he sounds like a chouster
Div ye no mean teuchter? taken from Scots dialect Dictionary n. 1 a lowland name for a Highlander, especially a Gaelic-speaking one. 2 a person from a country area.
Here endeth the lesson;) :D
Sparky, put yer toys back in the pram. You dint like the fact that I referred to you as ****y and bitching.

You got all defensive about an idea that was rubbished. I sought to point out a few of the ways in which I thought you had missed what I and many others consider to be the appeal of this forum.

Bigger is not always best, unless you're talking about knobs & what's the point of endlessly sub dividing forums? We quite recently got the Anything Goes section & it's probably the busiest section of the site.

No-one's rattled my cage. We saw it today & another one will be along tomorrow. Couple of posts, dunt like the replies, get ****y.

Er, then you got ****ier!
no! i mean chouster as in someone that speaks with his chou in his mouth.. it would be shoe but as its in his mouth it sounds more like chou than shoe.... dint they teach you fook all?
someone has obviously rattled you cage, so lets get this cleared up.

right then, I made a suggestion on the thread that asked members to make suggestions, it was "why don't we have a section to recommend camping and caravan sites" sort of thing.

A perfectly good suggestion, done politely, with no intention of offending anyone, just thrown out there to see who thought it was a good idea.

then, out of the blue, 'Slob' (who i know is one of the big boys of this site),
came out with a reply that was both patronising and somewhat arrogant, if he didn't like the idea he could have said so in a more polite way.

because i am not accustom to having people talk to me like i'm an idiot, i resonded in a manner that was niether personal or aggressive, instead i merely pointed out that i should not discard an idea without due porcess, as these sites are ment to be for ALL members not just the ones with the highest posting count.

however, that died away and 'Slob' did not reply (fairplay to him, that an end to it), then some friendly banter with a couple of members.

Then you come steaming in like the bloody german army in hob nail boots, quoting this and that, and basically saying "if you don't like it, sod off".

What gives you the right to do that, and now you are telling me i'm getting arsey.
I only ever get arsey with people who attack me first, believe it or not, i am actually a very nice bloke who generally gets on with everyone, but you seem to have got off to a very poor start.

so best you drop it and we will all carry on like nothing was said, it didn't concern you, it still don't.
the world would be a nicer place if people treated people with a little more respect.................and then they wouldn't **** people off.

Gary, if ye go back to post 36, ye'll find Marcus did say at the end of it "Banter"

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