Couple more bits cleaned rubbed and painted



Hopefully get more done during the week:)
I have recently brought some of this Rubber Matting Its not as thick as previously mentioned but i would say quite a bit cheaper, And if its only for light use just the job. I am also cutting some for the footwells and tops of rear arches.
Just read the thread so far and am now wishing I had gone for a fender instead of my S3.
Fixed the little hole I found last week


Started stripping the front wings and found that I need new lights all round


Got rid of some of the corrosion on the alu


Before and after, they cleaned up pretty good


Then it bastard rained, so I went inside and drank tea :tea:
Brilliant thread, makes me want to empty the garage of all the missus' ****e and fill it with Landrover :)
Best thing I've read for ages, you are doing a cracking job!
looking forward to getting our"new" one ( well new to us)next week after ours was nicked last month.
I've missed having one around.
Finished early and uncovered the landy

Discovered a massive school boy error from the weekend

Forgot to cover up when I was grinding out at the weekend, and all the bits rusted, job for Saturday


The sun was out, and I've decided it's not going to rain tonight so I brush painted the tub and one of the wings





If it rains tonight I will cry:Cry::Cry:
Got the wheel arch back on one side


A lot of alu corrosion on the other wing


Had to go right back to the metal to get rid of it


Primer and filler applied, will rub down in the morning


Looks like rain, time for the settee ;)
Sun is shining,time to paint

Started by cleaning up the windscreen brackets, then we took the glass out, cleaned and painted



Next up the roof, need to make some room so the roof needs to go back on ASAP

Started by bleaching off all the green ****e that had decided to grow on there


Rubbed down and primed


And managed to get two coats of on


Note: when its dry I will need to go back later and remove several thousand flies and dandelion parachutes, not a lot I can do about it now:(

Got a second coat on the tub


And the bulkhead ready to fit the roof and windscreen tomorrow


Not much else I can do today, walk the dog then sitting down with beer sounds appealing :beer2::beer2:
First things first, put the wind screen on.

Second, after ten minute foul and abusive rant realise that the brackets are handed, remove wind screen and swap them round


We got the roof on and bolted down in no time once we had realised our wind screen mistake


Then painted the inside of the tub, and covered her up for the night



Spent the rest of the afternoon sorting out all the nuts and bolts we had scattered all over the place, I'm sure everybody has a large ice cream container full of bits that they haven't got a clue where they go:confused::confused:

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