Cracking thread!
Makes us all realise why we got a Landrover....they are the best big boys mechano kit ever :)
Looking good will be watching this to completion.
Started ours in earnest this weekend will post pics, but not as deep as this rebuild has been! Great stuff mate :tea:
Thanks Steve,

Mine wasn't supposed to be quite so in depth but once it's in bits there's no point leaving something that needs attention

Hurry up and get you pics on the go:):)
Painting looks great, what type are you using? Liking your finish and thinking of rolling mine on now.
Looking good, well on it's way now. I like the colour.

Spent the rest of the afternoon sorting out all the nuts and bolts we had scattered all over the place, I'm sure everybody has a large ice cream container full of bits that they haven't got a clue where they go:confused::confused:

My memory is terrible so I've taken to sticking all my bits either into cheapo freezer bags from the pound shop and labeling them or making little cardboard holders to hold bolts in the pattern I extracted them. I also sometimes mark parts to remind me which way up they go back in :eek:

It's saved me quite a few times - especially as Landy jobs tend to drag on much longer than you expected.
digital camera is your friend. it even puts date and time n the pic so ya know when a particular part was removed..
I have put all bolts in butter tubs and put them with the parts they belong to. Worked great until I moved some parts then kicked some tubs over:banghead:. Hope I can figure it out when it goes back together. Next landy rebuild will use freezer bags.
Painting looks great, what type are you using? Liking your finish and thinking of rolling mine on now.


Tis this stuff

I got 3litres which I think will be way too much, cost about £65 I think

I kept all my bits In tubs until I forgot to put them away and the tubs filled i with water when it rained :mad:
Cheers Billy, going to use agricultural/military grade Enamel, I know I have been warned against it but I know it and it's easy to use :rolleyes: ordered 12.5 l of finish coat paint for mine with 3 colours :eek: from what you are saying this might be a tad to much :confused::D
That tin was 3/4 full and I've used about 15% of it so far:)

Might paint the wife's disco green when she's not looking:biggrin1:
Cracking thread, looking about now to get my hands on a 90 myself, building up a list of 'watch out for' and 'walk away from' and your rebuild thread has helped no-end for a rookie like me.. :D

Good luck with the rest of your build!:D
Uncovered it this morning, not happy about the way the rolled finish came out


So we sanded back the first coat and going to try the brush finish


Sanded down to the alu on the back door, due to the amount of corrosion


Put some filler on, hopefully sand and paint it this afternoon


Cleaned and painted a few more bits

Cleaned up the inner wing and got some galv spray on it


Rubbed down the back door


And got some paint on so I can fit it tomorrow


Painted the front grille panel


Re painted where I wasn't happy with the roller finish




Hopefully get the wings fitted tomorrow:)
Said it before, say it again, its a great thread Billy!
So are you now brushing on or spraying? We are looking to brush our 110, I used to hand paint cars I restored years ago using Valspar paint, looked great and no brush marks.
Now gonna use a paint from the stationary engine company, designed for spray or brush.
Started painting engine bits and so far looks ok, will post pics when We get enough to start the thread.
Am well impressed with your attention to detail! :D:D
Thanks Steve,

I'm brushing it, it looks better now

Still not as good as I'd like but as its outside i just have to live with the bugs and bits landing on it , think I will have to maybe do a final coat inside someone's garage once its on the road;)
Looking great. Great painting work, I rolled the green onto my 88" and it took a bit of time before I worked out the technique for not getting bubbles.

You're really gonna miss those bulkhead vents come summer though! ;)
Started today buy cleaning and priming the rear door hinges


Then moved on to putting the wings back together, please note its a fooking sight easier fitting the wing if you fit the wheel arches afterward



One wing on


Two wings on, look its a landrover again:)


Fitted the rear door with shiny new bolts


Made up,a plate to cover the holes left by the spare wheel bracket


Put the bonnet on just in case it rains


May try to fit the doors tomorrow or finish sanding down the filler for painting, but if its raining I'm staying inside:p

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