does it say "slob's helpful fred"? ah think fooking not!!
its says 'ask slob' so yer asked and yer gort a answer if yer dint like yer can always ask dk17
Ok slob,

Why did my ****part headgasket go on the bottom of number 3 cylinder in to a water chamber on my 1991 discovery after 15000 miles?

One very ****ed off Ian.

You said you liked details :)

I didn't mention I got it from PADDOCKS!!!!!
Sir Slob, you answered the woodchuck question with such clarity that I fewel impelled to ask this one: How much ol cold a gumboil boil if a gumboil could boil oil.
The answer to this has eluded me for very many years and I would be grateful for a detailed explanation.
What equation did you use G-man. That must be a very big gumboil so it must have been in a very big gob!
Sir Slob, you answered the woodchuck question with such clarity that I fewel impelled to ask this one: How much ol cold a gumboil boil if a gumboil could boil oil.
The answer to this has eluded me for very many years and I would be grateful for a detailed explanation.
unfortunately as yer question isn't writed in either english nor LZ speak ah canny answer it.

having sed that i did search me memory banks and i could not come up with a substance called 'ol cold' neither in gas,liquid nor solid form.
so i fear yer question may remain unanswered until some one discovers 'ol cold'
i think ol cold is a bout of influenza that someone has had for a while, ie:ive had this ol cold fer ages now.

hope this helps lord slob
not really as a cold is what yer might call a virus and though yer may be able to heat it up i really don't think you can boil it, in the true sense of the wurd.

course yer could boil the produce of yer 'ol cold' but then why dint he just ask about boiling snot

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