Oi take5 since when did u change yer name ta SLOB !!! This is the ask slob fred now bugger orf before I have the bouncers kick you out.
fooked if i know!!!! have yer tried soaking it in wd40 over night and then melting it with yer big fook orf hammer?
damm fine idea!!! i'll rush outside and soak the **** this very minute then wait till morning and **** the fooker with me big fook orf hammer
Sorry, misread what yer writ. Hit it wi #1 universal removal tool in mornin until it submits as yer sed.
ere slob, just had some new chopsticks fer me chinese and i cannae grip ma food with em, gone an got the old uns oot the drawer and its a piece o **** ter do it wiv them, they looks the same shape/size etc. is it cos they is new and needs wearin in or is it just psychological

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