Get an old cold chisel, grind the business end flat to get a proper fit and make sure it's a hex chisel fit's nicely in an appropriately size socket ;)

You ain't prepared too well for this Series ownership have you :rolleyes:
bought myself the correct tool. Always the best answer.

it mite be a very short relationship the way things are going. :rolleyes:
bought myself the correct tool. Always the best answer.

FFS Heidi, no it ain't yer Daft ****. Said I had an old tyre lever that I could grind down to fit!

Proper tools? You better start treating yer Landy like a Landy & cobbling things together. Save all the 'doing things properly' nonsense fer yer GT FFS! :rolleyes:
how long wud it take ya to cobble summat together? I got the tool fur £5.30 including carriage. I reckon thats about 12 minutes. It wud take me that long to find the tyre lever and grinder!

Anyroadup - yu can all borrow it now - cept yu wont need it cos yu all got diff drain plugs;)

good news - rear diff dont sound very nice at all - so when the fookin engine type thing decides to start again - i can check the T. box out too.
yer - my tool is anybodys fur the asking :rolleyes:

I like making things too - but one has to be realistic as to what to spend ones time on - and at the mo - i dont have the time.
"One has to be realistic"?

Oh, fwah, fwah, fwah, duz one? Oh, well met that man!

And no, one duz bluddy not. Well not this one anyways, otherwise I wunt have bought a fkn Landy in the first place!

er...........grumpy agin me. Roll on 5!
why is it that when you are looking for a bit of wire, string or somthin to do a quick bodge job on your landy, you get turtle head?
because you havn't been to sollihull to pay omage to Ferrismootal, the great gawd of landies.
at last my prayers could be answered, as this gr8 gawd is not too far for me to travel.

Though I would appreciate any experiences of omage payers, that has resulted in the said cloth touching becoming less frequent.

Thanks in advance.
Why is when pulling a length of rope/string/wire it always snags on something. But if your trying to snag something with a piece of rope/string/wire it take fooking ages and always falls orf just as your about to grab it?
fook a easy one.. its simply because yer mind say 'FAILURE
.; so yer sending yer negative vibs to every thing yer touch yer need to think positive.

instead of chucking yer rope and thinking 'a fooking bet this ill miss or fall orf!'

try chucking yer rope and thinkin' al just chuck this over there and it ill catch!'
take the borehole logs and analyse the soil from your pits.if the material is class 2 coheisive then you can save yourself some bother and just do some shear vanes and mvcs.........

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