Personally I won't touch Adrian flux with a barge pole! I was insured with them, me and 3rd party had a very slight incident (under 5mph) and there was a scuff on her car. I offered to pay to have their car fixed, and I never heard from the 3rd party again... I informed Adrian Flux and they said they had 6 moths to make a claim....I never heard anything from anyone, so I assumed the 3rd party had just ignored the scuff or had it repaired. .
If was a few months later I was getting a quote and Adrian flux told me that I had a claim against me! I was like WTF! You've not written to me, you've not asked my versions of events. . . Adrian flux just took THEIR word for it and paid out £800
shocking, but true.
Could you PM me your policy number? As I would like to get this looked into as there must be more to it than just no contact but if that is the case, I need to take action to prevent further occurances.
I apologise for any trouble you have had.
Best regards,