Personally I won't touch Adrian flux with a barge pole! I was insured with them, me and 3rd party had a very slight incident (under 5mph) and there was a scuff on her car. I offered to pay to have their car fixed, and I never heard from the 3rd party again... I informed Adrian Flux and they said they had 6 moths to make a claim....I never heard anything from anyone, so I assumed the 3rd party had just ignored the scuff or had it repaired. .

If was a few months later I was getting a quote and Adrian flux told me that I had a claim against me! I was like WTF! You've not written to me, you've not asked my versions of events. . . Adrian flux just took THEIR word for it and paid out £800

shocking, but true.


Could you PM me your policy number? As I would like to get this looked into as there must be more to it than just no contact but if that is the case, I need to take action to prevent further occurances.

I apologise for any trouble you have had.

Best regards,

My 90 is up for renewal on Nov 5th can you beat Saga and the RAC cause they are bloody expensive and as a pensioner I cant afford the payments anymore.:(
I have 2 vehicles due for renewal on 27th/28th November...

whens the earliest you guys can quote??

One is a '98 Disco 300tdi, the other an '04 Passat 2.0S Estate - biggish NCDs (10yrs +) with NO accs/convs

Currently multicar with Aviva but I think it maybe time to split them as the Disco is getting on and might be cheaper elsewhere ;)
I have 2 vehicles due for renewal on 27th/28th November...

whens the earliest you guys can quote??

One is a '98 Disco 300tdi, the other an '04 Passat 2.0S Estate - biggish NCDs (10yrs +) with NO accs/convs

Currently multicar with Aviva but I think it maybe time to split them as the Disco is getting on and might be cheaper elsewhere ;)

We can quote if the renewal date is within 30 days.

I'll make a note in my diary & PM you for some contact info close to the end of October if that's ok.

Many thanks

I just had a renewal through but its copletly wrong. Things have changed, and not been updated the speedo was changed and I advised you of that when it was done ages agoi but the milage shown is the milage of the vehicle and not the milage shown on the speedo which if i was to claim would screw me over as its well over my limited milage. I also wanted to change the date of the payments to the 1st of the month which I was told was unable to be done until renewal but somehow I got an email in my junk box and missed it!! Aghhhhhh!!! any chance I can phone and update it all possibly get a new quote or will this cost me money??
FLUX your online Quote SUCKS!!!

There is no option under how you got your no claims bonus for main policy holder.

I wasted 20 minutes trying. What a pointless exercise that was!!! My insurance started today. Whats the cancellation period??
Jai Landrover, can you PM me your policy number? I can certainly arrange for a member of renewals to get in contact with regards to your policy.

Sorry about the issue you have had.

Like to thank Jordan, got a call at 5.30 as promised and sorted my 90 insurance.

Half the price of previous quotes and matched internet comparison sites.

Very pleased, thank you:)
this is a very weired thread, mostly it seems to be if Jordan does the job you get a better price than if you go online or call anyone else! "Luckily" !!!! Flux have found an accident on I havent declared. I say luckily as luck would have it I havent been involved in an accident for years!
this is a very weired thread, mostly it seems to be if Jordan does the job you get a better price than if you go online or call anyone else! "Luckily" !!!! Flux have found an accident on I havent declared. I say luckily as luck would have it I havent been involved in an accident for years!

If you would like to PM me your policy number I can look into this for you?
this is a very weired thread, mostly it seems to be if Jordan does the job you get a better price than if you go online or call anyone else! "Luckily" !!!! Flux have found an accident on I havent declared. I say luckily as luck would have it I havent been involved in an accident for years!

well they deal/write for 35-40 different companys. so most of the phone operators would not know what a 4x4 LR, green laner needs. I would say Jordan is a specialist about 4x4's and has fine tuned his expertise and honed /focused on the 4x4 market.

Look at it as if you needed a lawyer to defend you in a murder trial would you want a rookie or a seasoned professional specializing in defending murders?
After all they are both lawyers
hardly unbeatable savings for me. apparently a pickup 90 is now classed as a commercial vehicle. which you lot wont insure anyone under 25.
does that make sense doesn't to me
hardly unbeatable savings for me. apparently a pickup 90 is now classed as a commercial vehicle. which you lot wont insure anyone under 25.
does that make sense doesn't to me

Same happened to me a couple of years ago! Phoned them with my long list of mods, having been told they are specialists. We got as far as "it's a hard top with no rear seats" (now rag top) and the lady informed me that my vehicle was commercial and they wouldn't insure. When I questioned her about this and the specialist insurance they advertize, she got quite shirty with me. So I went with Lancaster instead. Not knocking Adrian Flux, but that really boiled my wee-wee! (p.s I'm 46 with no claims for 26 years)
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