i rang AF yesterday, they gave me a quote of £340 for a and i told them that fluxdirect was cheaper, and its there sister company? £100 cheaper.
guess who i went with
Yeah I got a quote from Flux Direct, same spec as the current policy, all mods and driving other cars. £700 FD - £1250 AF
In the past I had some high quotes from Flux but when I went to insure my 1996 Discovery with it's 3.9 V8 and a few mods Flux came through at just over £1000 and I have no NCB as it's my first policy. With this they also gave me free keycare, cover for my fob, locks, offroading and have said that I can mod it as much as I want without incurring extra costs unless it's to do with engine performance.

So to sum it up, if you just answer questions and wait for the quote at the end, you're unlikely to get anything special, if you badger the operator (as I did) on each point, you find they look for what you're asking and they found it for me. They are also very easy to get a hold of and very professional over the phone. It's still early doors but so far I'm very happy with Flux.
had my renewel through from flux a week or so back. I had to ring em up and update their files due to an accident at work and some dopey bint that hit the chav box a few weeks back and to get rock sliders and a chip upgrade added to the policy. Did a bit of ringing around over the weekend to get some other quotes first to see how they faired. After adding all the above I got the renewel price down to less than the original they sent me. They were meant to be dropping the excess down too but having just checked the email they have left it as is. As long as they honour the agreement and drop the excess to what we agreed I can honestly say I am impressed.

Now for the but....

The actual insurance company is equity. They insured my landy that was written off 5 years or so back. It took several months and lots of arguing over the value before I got paid out.

Now I am in a quandary as to what to do.

Ed, Have you got any pearls of wisdom for me to allay my concerns having experienced the problems encountered with equity previously?

They valued my landy at £1000k for a 1997 300tdi with loads of extras (winch, snorkel, Led lightbar, Mach 5 wheels, Urn, rear spots etc etc)

After removing all the extras and then arguing from may until summit like September I eventually got £3400 for it. I had to fight hard though.

For vehicles this age, it's difficult for us to find a policy with an agreed value - mainly due to the fact it's not old enough for a classic car scheme.

In regards to the price - you can always ask the team if they are able to replace you with a different underwriter, they may be able to do it for the same price.

It's a difficult one... Speaking from my past experiences, if a vehicle is worth £2000 but had £10k of modifications, as the owner you are entitled to restore the car back to it's factory state. I did this with my Type-R (I was with Admiral who don't cover mods), so I spent a day at the scrap yard removing EVERYTHING that was non standard and replacing it with standard parts, and then the pay out was indictive to the value of the car. I appreciate this is not what you pay insurance for, but no way was I losing out on my investment.

With our schemes however, and I will check this, we cover mods new for old, like for like. Which to me means, if the car is written of, the value of modifications are also taken into account in regards to replacement value as well.

Has that helped at all or was it just waffling?

I'm on codine for a trapped nerve and I don't really know what day of the week it is to be honest haha

Enjoy the sun,

Ed..... what would happen if you took your vehicle to a auto appraiser to determine value.
There is a show here taped in Uk where these 2 guys buy old cars fit them to like new and then get them appraised buy a certified appraiser to determine value and then sell them.

For vehicles this age, it's difficult for us to find a policy with an agreed value - mainly due to the fact it's not old enough for a classic car scheme.

In regards to the price - you can always ask the team if they are able to replace you with a different underwriter, they may be able to do it for the same price.

It's a difficult one... Speaking from my past experiences, if a vehicle is worth £2000 but had £10k of modifications, as the owner you are entitled to restore the car back to it's factory state. I did this with my Type-R (I was with Admiral who don't cover mods), so I spent a day at the scrap yard removing EVERYTHING that was non standard and replacing it with standard parts, and then the pay out was indictive to the value of the car. I appreciate this is not what you pay insurance for, but no way was I losing out on my investment.

With our schemes however, and I will check this, we cover mods new for old, like for like. Which to me means, if the car is written of, the value of modifications are also taken into account in regards to replacement value as well.

Has that helped at all or was it just waffling?

I'm on codine for a trapped nerve and I don't really know what day of the week it is to be honest haha

Enjoy the sun,


Hi Ed

Yes it makes sense. My concern is that I go to companies like yourselves, NFU, A plans' 4x4 dept etc because you are all supposed to specialise in modified vehicles. I pay a higher premium because my vehicle is modified. I go out of my way to make sure that all mods are declared to help protect myself in the worst were to happen.

When I dealt with equity after the attempted theft and the unsuccessful torching of my vehicle the assessor stood there and blatantly told me to my face what the vehicle was worth. I asked if they were gonna pay me out for the declared extras and was told no. When I told him he could value it without all the extras on instead he told me that it would seriously affect the value if I removed em.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm hoping that equity have bucked their ideas up since then cos I've just renewed with yourselves today.

For vehicles this age, it's difficult for us to find a policy with an agreed value - mainly due to the fact it's not old enough for a classic car scheme.

In regards to the price - you can always ask the team if they are able to replace you with a different underwriter, they may be able to do it for the same price.

It's a difficult one... Speaking from my past experiences, if a vehicle is worth £2000 but had £10k of modifications, as the owner you are entitled to restore the car back to it's factory state. I did this with my Type-R (I was with Admiral who don't cover mods), so I spent a day at the scrap yard removing EVERYTHING that was non standard and replacing it with standard parts, and then the pay out was indictive to the value of the car. I appreciate this is not what you pay insurance for, but no way was I losing out on my investment.

With our schemes however, and I will check this, we cover mods new for old, like for like. Which to me means, if the car is written of, the value of modifications are also taken into account in regards to replacement value as well.

Has that helped at all or was it just waffling?

I'm on codine for a trapped nerve and I don't really know what day of the week it is to be honest haha

Enjoy the sun,


Hi Ed.
sorry about the trapped nerve,not funny is it.:(
I'm hoping that equity have bucked their ideas up since then cos I've just renewed with yourselves today.

I'm sure this is an isolated incident. One which I can only apologise for, however, I'm constantly insuring new customers with Equity and I trust their judgement as I hear very few problems from customers... Sadly it's the same with everything, something will eventually go wrong :(

sorry about the trapped nerve,not funny is it

Certainly isn't, I don't help myself by refusing to take time off from the gym though haha
I'm sure this is an isolated incident. One which I can only apologise for, however, I'm constantly insuring new customers with Equity and I trust their judgement as I hear very few problems from customers... Sadly it's the same with everything, something will eventually go wrong :(

Certainly isn't, I don't help myself by refusing to take time off from the gym though haha

ok,if you can still go to the gym then you aint bad.wait until you cannot move even with strong meds.then you will know what a trapped nerve feels like.just be careful bud.;)
I'm sure this is an isolated incident. One which I can only apologise for, however, I'm constantly insuring new customers with Equity and I trust their judgement as I hear very few problems from customers... Sadly it's the same with everything, something will eventually go wrong :(

Certainly isn't, I don't help myself by refusing to take time off from the gym though haha

Ed. Do the management actually read the survey they send out?

Just in case they don't bother passing it on I just thought I'd let you know that I added some comments on it for you. :)

I had reservations about renewing with yourselves as you changed the insurance underwriter to equity who I had a bad experience with a few years ago.

I discussed this with Ed your representative on landyzone and he put my mind at ease. I think he could do with a pat on the back as he is far more approachable than Previous guy Dan.
Ed. Do the management actually read the survey they send out?

Just in case they don't bother passing it on I just thought I'd let you know that I added some comments on it for you. :)


They certainly do, I've had a few comments passed back to me from some of the work I do, and it's nice to know people appreciate what I do :)

And thanks for your comments, it's genuinely a pleasure being on this forum.
Good service from Flux and Co. I got ripped by a previous insurer so Im very cautious. I have never dealt with AF until last month, I got a good price, great customer service, no hidden extras (like the lost key thing a certain company slid under the radar!).

Overall very pleased.
Good service from Flux and Co. I got ripped by a previous insurer so Im very cautious. I have never dealt with AF until last month, I got a good price, great customer service, no hidden extras (like the lost key thing a certain company slid under the radar!).

Overall very pleased.

Good stuff!

Any issues feel free to give me a PM.

Happy motoring!

I have nothing but good to say about AF, cheaper than the rest but most importantly gave me cover that was most relevant to the type of vehicle with the mods.

Thanks for the kind message Jay,

Makes my job that bit better to see another member as a happy customer!

Any future queries or issues - do not hesitate to give me a shout.

Many thanks

Personally I won't touch Adrian flux with a barge pole! I was insured with them, me and 3rd party had a very slight incident (under 5mph) and there was a scuff on her car. I offered to pay to have their car fixed, and I never heard from the 3rd party again... I informed Adrian Flux and they said they had 6 moths to make a claim....I never heard anything from anyone, so I assumed the 3rd party had just ignored the scuff or had it repaired. .

If was a few months later I was getting a quote and Adrian flux told me that I had a claim against me! I was like WTF! You've not written to me, you've not asked my versions of events. . . Adrian flux just took THEIR word for it and paid out £800

shocking, but true.
Personally I won't touch Adrian flux with a barge pole! I was insured with them, me and 3rd party had a very slight incident (under 5mph) and there was a scuff on her car. I offered to pay to have their car fixed, and I never heard from the 3rd party again... I informed Adrian Flux and they said they had 6 moths to make a claim....I never heard anything from anyone, so I assumed the 3rd party had just ignored the scuff or had it repaired. .

If was a few months later I was getting a quote and Adrian flux told me that I had a claim against me! I was like WTF! You've not written to me, you've not asked my versions of events. . . Adrian flux just took THEIR word for it and paid out £800

shocking, but true.

Thats a bit ****. Think it'll appear on a nationial insurance computer too. I had a stero nicked, asked abiut it and decided against claiming. More than recorded it as a claim and doubled my premium. Told em they were wrong and tried to go else where. Then everywhere i tried told me there was a claim on the system.:censored:
Thats a bit ****. Think it'll appear on a nationial insurance computer too. I had a stero nicked, asked abiut it and decided against claiming. More than recorded it as a claim and doubled my premium. Told em they were wrong and tried to go else where. Then everywhere i tried told me there was a claim on the system.:censored:

Unbelievable ain't it?? (I don't even bother protecting my no claims anymore cos all they can take off you after an accident is 2 years) - I've no intension of making a claim!

In fact why do we bother with insurance? If you get caught you only get a £300 fine and 6 points!

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