Yeah I normally just half my time, usually works out about right. £10 an hour is a decent figure, minimum wage plus a bit for electricity and consumables etc. You could have had a second job stacking shelves in Asda or something instead of doing a load of work no one's going to pay you for. You've done a cracking job so why not get something for it?

I'd have thought you could get over £5000 for it anyway.

Yes that's a very fair comment. Although I don't expected to get £5000 for it. Don't know weather or not to just put it on an ebay auction.
You've been over every inch of it and done some form of improvement to every inch of it too. It has a nearly full 12 months MOT and doesn't look to need any issues addressed that you normally get when buying a used vehicle. Plus you have a comprehensive portfolio of the build with pictures and comments to back up the work that has gone in to it. Look at the vehicles that people buy from garages etc that have been built by supossed professionals to high standards that then turn out to be lemons.
You've been over every inch of it and done some form of improvement to every inch of it too. It has a nearly full 12 months MOT and doesn't look to need any issues addressed that you normally get when buying a used vehicle. Plus you have a comprehensive portfolio of the build with pictures and comments to back up the work that has gone in to it. Look at the vehicles that people buy from garages etc that have been built by supossed professionals to high standards that then turn out to be lemons.

Gosh you are very convincing:), But you are right in what you say.
I just hope a prospective buyer see's it that way
Gosh you are very convincing:), But you are right in what you say.
I just hope a prospective buyer see's it that way

Well look at it as the truth being the convincing factor ;)

It's a shame to see you sell it, so I'd just like to help you come out of it on the right side of the numbers. If you market the advert right then there's no reason everyone can't get a fair deal.

Work out what it owes you (inc time), cover your arse for comebacks, hassles, unexpected expenses etc and set a realistic price. If you bought a mid '90's 90 for £4k would you expect it to be stripped, minted up and rebuilt? No, so whnat would you expect to pay for that work? Do the numbers game and £5000 isn't that far fetched.
Well look at it as the truth being the convincing factor ;)

It's a shame to see you sell it, so I'd just like to help you come out of it on the right side of the numbers. If you market the advert right then there's no reason everyone can't get a fair deal.

Work out what it owes you (inc time), cover your arse for comebacks, hassles, unexpected expenses etc and set a realistic price. If you bought a mid '90's 90 for £4k would you expect it to be stripped, minted up and rebuilt? No, so whnat would you expect to pay for that work? Do the numbers game and £5000 isn't that far fetched.

Thanks for your assistance Dan, You have made me realise I am underselling this 90. I have roughly worked out what it owes me so now have a price (I think :eek:)
Thanks for your assistance Dan, You have made me realise I am underselling this 90. I have roughly worked out what it owes me so now have a price (I think :eek:)

Ok very good. Now go back over your figures and understand the market, don't just look at pure vehicle sales but look at the value of the work to get a vehicle to the standard that your's is. How much will a place charge to finish the chassis to the standard you have? Let alone strip and rebuild either side of that. Appreciate the work and value you have added. Think about it until you can say with confidence what your price is, none of this shy non confidence. How can you expect to get a fair deal for your self if you have less confidence in your own vehicle than the guy who's trying to wangle you down?
bloody neighbours. Wish I lived in the middle of no were.
Came around complaining about the noise. Apparently I shouldn't be working on cars on a Sunday as its disturbing there day off. And is going to report me for noise pollution!
Can she do this?

She then preceded to say she thinks I am running a business from my house as there is to many cars coming and going :confused:
And again is going to report me :rolleyes:

After about 30minutes of arguing see then stormed off.

Maybe some people get new cars every now and then hence cars coming and going.
bloody neighbours. Wish I lived in the middle of no were.
Came around complaining about the noise. Apparently I shouldn't be working on cars on a Sunday as its disturbing there day off. And is going to report me for noise pollution!
Can she do this?

She then preceded to say she thinks I am running a business from my house as there is to many cars coming and going :confused:
And again is going to report me :rolleyes:

After about 30minutes of arguing see then stormed off.

Maybe some people get new cars every now and then hence cars coming and going.

They CAN complain but realistically it will do them little good. Unless you are doing this a 3am or making a hell of a noise then environmental health are not likely to do very much.
Have a look for a thread on here by Fanatic about dealing with his neighburs, not exact same situation but lots of useful info and he is very clued up on this sort of thing.
Cant believe you are selling this after all your work Aaron. Its worth every penny of £5k when I saw the work you were putting into it.

(Light bar on and working!)
They CAN complain but realistically it will do them little good. Unless you are doing this a 3am or making a hell of a noise then environmental health are not likely to do very much.

Ah fair enough. I'm not usually out In the garage until 10ish and usually back if for 8 at the latest so not exactly taking the ****.

Have a look for a thread on here by Fanatic about dealing with his neighburs, not exact same situation but lots of useful info and he is very clued up on this sort of thing.

Not fussed at the minute as It may just be empty threats.
Says she's going to make my life hell. :rolleyes:
Will look in to it more if any one comes knocking :)

Tell em to **** off and move house!

That's what I felt like doing but thought better of it. I must be doing some thing wrong as I seem to annoy every one :eek:
She'll love it when I start painting my brothers 110 :D

Cant believe you are selling this after all your work Aaron. Its worth every penny of £5k when I saw the work you were putting into it.

(Light bar on and working!)

Well I cant say I'm happy about it but I can all ways build another one :)
And least some one is getting some use out the light bar. Plenty bright enough then?
Well the 90 went on Friday evening :(
It's gone to some one on here so should be around for a while yet :)

Seemed strange having nothing to do on a weekend. Was rather bored. But maybe I'm just a weirdo :eek:

So with money burning a hole in my pocket I kind of bought a Td5. Was kind of an impulse buy but to late now :D
Hehe Aaron you couldn't resist could you :) £5k was an absolute bargain!! Don't forget to let me know if you have any decent wings, doors, bonnet and or tub for sale!!

I'm getting as bad as you!!
Well the 90 went on Friday evening :(
It's gone to some one on here so should be around for a while yet :)

Seemed strange having nothing to do on a weekend. Was rather bored. But maybe I'm just a weirdo :eek:

So with money burning a hole in my pocket I kind of bought a Td5. Was kind of an impulse buy but to late now :D

how are you going to insure that then? loon :-D
Hehe Aaron you couldn't resist could you :) £5k was an absolute bargain!! Don't forget to let me know if you have any decent wings, doors, bonnet and or tub for sale!!

I'm getting as bad as you!!

5k ? If you was thinking that's what I got for it then I can only wish,
I took £3900 for it :(
Oh and will do. Its good having a few spares :D
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how are you going to insure that then? loon :-D

It needs a bit of work so will leave it of the road until its done, Should give me time to save up a bit. Could do with painting and a bit of welding. And a general tidy up inside.
Just got home early from work so going to have a proper look at the chassis with a hammer :D

Thats what I ws thinking lol

As above. Don't know why I do it to my self to be honest :confused::eek:
Couple of pics of what I've bought :)
Had a proper prod around the chassis now and needs 4 patches. So not to bad as I knew about 3 of them.
She's been remapped by Gary at Alive and all I can say is Wow. Pulls like a chuffin train :D
not sure what colour to paint it. Idea's any one? :)




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