Where's your manners ???

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Common problem with forums. Gets right up my nose. Give an answer to problems and very rarely get a reply as to whether it worked, not just for me but for others. Product of our selfish society.
Not a **** site mate, lots of good info good jokes and no idiots. There is a non members area...

It is a lot of flat cappage on there, and you really feel like your a member of the queens discovery club! :D

It's good though, you get some free **** and a monthly magazine!

Cheers :)

Havent been on it much but seems good - just used to the insults... I'm mean banter in here! :p

I now apolagise to anyone I havent thanked or let know the out come to a solved problem. SORRY!

On a slightly diffrent note I joined the Disco Owners Club this year as I saved double the joining costs off me Insurance! :D

i've said thank you on all the threads i've started, and also thank anyone and everyone who helps me out. it's polite innit?
and if i'm polite, people might be polite back, and then i stay calm and don't have to smash anything because i get f**ked off when people don't....
end of rant:)