What I Did NOT Do With My Rangey And Insurance hikes!

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Well-Known Member
No one probably noticed, but I have been 'off site' for a while, our Rangey being parked up in the car park of Chelsea & Westminster hospital since two days before Christmas! Unfortunately I had to 'book myself in' to the 'heart attack hotel' from the 23rd of Dec through to the 6th of January having a heart rate that was constantly in excess of 168 BPM.
Finally when all else had failed, a brilliant young physician 'made up' a cocktail of drugs that reduced my heart rate by 50% in only ten minutes. Apparently my heart was 'running' the equivalent to a half marathon every day for 10 days and something was going to have to give!
I was supposed to be driving my boys up to buckinghamshire for the Christmas break and at one point thought I would just tough it out, fortunately I checked myself into initiallly the ICU which was followed by a lot of time in the acute observation unit, if I had not checked in I would definitely have checked out!
Next week I am going to do Christmas 2:0 so I can finally enjoy my falcon winter tyres properly for the first time! I have been told I am not allowed to do ANYTHING for a month, which means no spannering, but I can fit my new dash cam and tracker, items given to me as presents that have knocked my insurance renewal premium down from the £995 they tried to chargew to a more realistic £665.
Fit a tracker and a dashcam and they will pay for themselves straight away!
A happy belated Christmas and New Year to all.
Thanks all for good wishes, I had never been to a hospital until 2 years ago, and had NEVER had a heart problem. It goes to show that you need to be diligent regarding your health when you hit sniper alley (65 onwards!)
One comfort was that the Old girl was in the car park waiting, started on the button and whisked me home! Fortunately I was given a dispensation for what would have been an enormous parking charge!
Thanks all for good wishes, I had never been to a hospital until 2 years ago, and had NEVER had a heart problem. It goes to show that you need to be diligent regarding your health when you hit sniper alley (65 onwards!)
One comfort was that the Old girl was in the car park waiting, started on the button and whisked me home! Fortunately I was given a dispensation for what would have been an enormous parking charge!
Nothing to do with the Covid vaccine I suppose? Thousands have suffered life changing heart related problems after being jabbed.