Done a few things recently, one was getting my local mechanic to change the diff oils, transfer box oil, and gear box oil although this didn't go quite to plan so getting that sorted on Monday
Moved the CB noise filter to the back of the engine (near enough), as the CB is picking up engine noise. Had to make a bracket from an off cut of metal from work, not fantastic but it works!
I tidied up the wiring on the battery doing the earth terminals properly - I recently fitted my old air horns.. forgive me but I like my air horns!
Also fitted my new cup holders, curtusy of
CUP HOLDER KIT-GREY - I just had to buy the black plinths separately. - nice pieces of kit.. not a bad price considering a set went on ebay not so long ago for £45 second hand!.
Wasn't difficult to install, just the thought of drilling into the transmission console was filling me with dread

.. measured 10 times and drilled once! for each hole.. did the trick
Also fitted the rear light from ebay

(Although the near side lamp had a ton of water in it

I got that out, and scraped away any old sealant and runa bead of sealant around the entire lamp, and vasalined the o-rings on the bulb holder).. Is it just my Landrover that thinks it's a submarine?
Also and 'hopefully' i've fixed the leaky sunroof, pulled head lining down, drip tray off, re-glued the plastic drainage channels and sealed the screws that hold the drip tray to the sunroof as I found water was leaking from those as well

Also fitted a new sunroof seal, and gave it a smear of vasaline for good measure.
It's getting there slowly.. weathers been soo bad over the past month I haven't had much chance to do a lot, so past few days hasn't been that bad

.. still need to replace the steering dampener, check brakes, new springs and shocks (as it feels a bit wobbly on the road), give the diffs a bit of protection underneath at a later date maybe..nothing overkill though, fit some all terrain tyres and fit some spots..

and have a meeting with my bank manager about the cost of it all :doh:
Also like to give a bit thankyou message to all of those that have assisted me with doing all of these jobs, without the people helping me i'd still be scratching my head with a lot of things.. never mind the garage bills! - Soo.. a Big Thank You to everyone for your help!