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noticed a squeak from 1 of the pulleys :mad:

1 day soon il spend some time sortin this damn car out, more i drive it the more stuff i notice is wrong with it. boat should be finished tomorrow so should be cracking on with the disco next week, be prepared for 1000 posts along the lines of "i broke this, what is it?"
Drove over some drunken twaat what was lying on the Drive.


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yu shouldnt put yo ear over the rocker cover when revving the nuts of it then :doh:.

why? when its put back in with a spring compressor, no probs, only give them a shock to release the collets, when removing them , just speeds up stripping the heads, no harm done, yer can also hear for a dead ring when hitting then to indecate bent valves. ;) new valves , new collets , job done. ( if yer really quick yer can put the ****ers back in with a socket too :D but even i ain that rough ) seen it done a million times tho
Removed the two rear body mounts and found its alot more rotten then i thought !
Removed the rear quarter panel and found that there is rot all over the back so welded a patch on the rear upright,just another 15 holes to go.
Fitted a new theromostat - and P- Gasket...the seal on the old thermostat was leaking..and when it was all apart I could see that it was running down over the water pump bracket...so may be the P-Gasket didn't need replacing at all....

tomorrow its hand brake adjustment and replacing a brake light bulb