So, today...
well backed up on ramps then jacked each rear wheel & removed in turn to have a good look underneath plus check the rear pads for wear - then came in and ordered a set...
took the rear wheels of the ramps and put the front on them, took wheels off to have a good look under the front..
left it front end up to jet wash all the underside/ engine/ gearbox to make it easier (cleaner) to do a steering box oil seal kit that I also ordered, but chose a "supposedly" OEM set

....its either ballcock or a better set than the one i bought 2 or 3 years ago..
did notice my drop arm from steering box was lose again, but not tightening yet as its got to come off for oil seal kit replacement.
while laying on a cold concrete floor, I did notice my britpart steering damper is leeking - suprise suprise -- cant be no more than 2 years old....

the plan "was" to get down and dirty tomorrow with one of my jet washers, but just seen the weather for ours - pi$$ing down all day they say....
seems it might be another feet up day with
always another day eh..