I'm not going to lie to you, while I admired the workmanship of your previous upholstry with the brown vinyl door cards, I disliked the colour, but the black is more to my tastes, and the finish is very good, so this gets a double thumbs up from me!
Hi there!!! I think you get confused, I never upholstered the doors before, I just made a rigid rear tray. Anyway thanks for your kind comment.
I'm impressed. That's a cracking job. I have the Alpaca interior and the cloth bit on the front door cards is looking too tatty for me so I might follow your lead if I can find some decent matching leatherette.
Thank you very much. It is laborious but it renews the look a lot, it also removes a certain smell of rotten foam.
Good luck and don't forget to glue with temperature resistant glue.