Spent a couple of hours fitting the replacement engine mount and lower tie bar today. No naughty words, it all went very easily

Its never quite as easy as the Rave manual makes out though! In jacking the engine it just jacked the car up with it. I expected the chassis to lift as I took the weight of the engine off it - but it was obviously going to high. The bolt from the mount was catching in the bracket and I had visions of it all of a sudden going and the chassis drop a foot and causing all sorts of grief. So I lowered it down and then started whacking the engine mount with an iron bar and #1 tool as I lifted it - this time it went well. Rave also said to fix the mount in place before lowering the engine - but that wasn't going to work as the top of the engine rocked back when lifted - probably on the lower tie bar. So I slotted the mount into the bracket then lowered the engine which lined everything up OK.
TBH, the old mount looked in perfect condition - not sure what the WOF tester found to be at fault. I hope he's not going to say it was the upper tie bar - that wasn't perfect, but not kaput. I replaced the lower tie bar just as a precaution, I've never replaced it and it may be original. Once again, it wasn't in to bad condition.
While I was under there, I noticed that the oil filter had worked its way loose again. That's the 2nd time I've fixed something on the car and while giving it a check over found the oil filter loose. I'm going to have to put a bit more ooomph into tightening them when I service it - I know its going to be a pain getting it off for the next service then but at least I'll still have an engine to service!