I've fixed me key fob.

It's a bit of a story, but I haven't posted for months, so I'll go for it.
I lost my keys last Wednesday. Has the usual man look for them, but no joy. The Mrs said she would look when she got home from work. Now this usually solves the mystery of lost items, which usually turn up hidden in plain sight.

But, not this time! The big hunt was on: every room gone through, chairs and cushions, other cars searched with a torch, main bin gone through

recycling bin emptied out. I then searched a few woods where I'd recently been shooting squirrels...nothing.
I got the other fob out, which used to be the main one I used, but it had started playing up about a year ago, so I swapped for the other one. It was still playing up. Popped it open to find the disarm button had come adrift from the PCB.
I wrapped some copper wire around the tip of my soldering iron to get a fine soldering bit.
Soldered it back in, but it didn't work. I'm guessing it had started to fail and the increasing vigorous pressing to get it to work broke it off. So, I ordered two new ones off ebay.
Meanwhile it occured to me that probably the only place I'd not looked for the lost keys was my squirrel freezer! So I started lifting out the many bags of frozen squirrels, hoping I'd dropped them in there and they'd slipped through to the bottom. Only got to the third bag and I heard the tinkle of metal.
And there they were! Thought I was never going to see them again and, at this point, thought the chances of the other fob working again were slim.
The two micro switches came faster than predicted by ebay and I've soldered one straight in. Bingo.......it worked straight away.
So now I have two, very old, but working key fobs.
Previously frozen one on the left. Main one that broke on the right. I'm a very happy bunny.