what have you buggered up on yer series today

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BBQ king
essex.... in the middle somewhere
I'll start

it all started off well around 2pm i went out to start work on the landy i took the truck cab off came off real easy as i put it on with nice new bolts, took the doors off (noting i need 2 new bottom hinges)

the i thought hmmm screen needs to come off so i undo the right hand adjuster goes nicely, start to undo the left one ****! snapped ah well easy to fix i think just get a new one! undo the left hand hinge (after plenty of WD about 30mins before) comes undone with little effort

then i go to do the right hand hinge SNAP! the bolt has sheared in the bulkhead part of the hinge :mad: now i am going to have to find a new screen hinge bolt and somehow get the old one out of the treads without damaging them! :mad::mad:

bollox g spot you fecked that up.

use a dremel and grind the top of the broken bolt flat, then carefully centre punch dead on the centre, drill out up to the tap size, then tap it out, worked for me on all kinda of crap.
the bolt sits about 2mm inside the hole (where the tread starts) it also looks like one of the hinge brackets (that attach to the windscreen is broken and they are no longer available via LRseries

looks like i am gonna have some problems :(
i don't need to bugger anything up, she does it all by herself:rolleyes::doh::D:D

i don't know whats happening with them at the mo as they've moved premises but have you tried landy orphanage? he always has odd bits that you can't get anywhere else:)
Nothing ..... I sold my series 3 lightweight last week due to a constant nagging complaint (the wife) .Still enjoying trouble free freelandering tho :eek: .
I burst a front U bolt on mine at the weekend off roading. fun and games. new ones on order just hope it is big enought. iv got range rover axels and 11 leaf springs on a 88" so wnt for a set of 8 1 ton long wheel 109 u bolts to re do the lot!

Fun and games!!

well today i didn't fook anything up but i did manage to get the tank off and found it had 30+ litres of fuel in :) which was nice but its sitting on my drive with some in still as i have ran out of cans to put it in!

i was going to remove my rear tub today but me mate said he cant come give me a hand til tomorrow and i'm not strong enough to remove it by myself :(

just as i got the grinder out to start cutting the bolts off (they are seized after not moving for 30+years) the heavens opened and called an end to todays playing

OH to have a workshop
Mine is now stripped and waiting to be bathed in nice fresh paint, bodyshop can't accomodate before Thursday so I'm catching up on housework and gardening...well that and ebaying for a few odds and ends ready for the reconstruction!!
adjusted the idling speed so it doesnt stall at junctions then snapped an exhaust manifold stud tightening up the pipe :doh: