What did you do with your Range Rover today

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Now the P38 is being resigned from being a daily and is becoming a weekend/camping trip car I’ve taken it to a local detailer and they’ve done an absolute miracle on the car.

I would have posted a photo here but the forum won’t let me link to Imgur or imgbb.. nor can I add in text or as an attachment so just imagine a really clean black P38

Just click on the picture icon and then browse to the photo and double-click as far as I remember.
Easier than that. Click the Insert Image icon, and either drag the image over, or click the box & find the image on your device.


That's gonna costa lotta.
  • "How much"
  • "¿Cuánto cuesta?"
  • "Combien ça coûte?"
  • "Wieviel kostet das?"
  • "Quanto costa questo?"
  • "Quanto custa isso?"
  • "Zhège duōshǎo qián?"
  • "Kore wa ikuradesu ka?"
  • "Yeh kitne ka hain?"
  • "Сколько стоит это?"
My "bargain basement" 4.4TDV8 has had a couple of days off, just a local shopping trip and a visit to the dentist today. Next thing to fix is the saloon heater valve unit, drivers side is still blowing cold, passenger side hot. Still rebuilding my bus engine, bus batteries were left to go flat now they won't take a charge!