The bottomless money pit continues to eat my money or my credit card. New oil cooler fitted, then to change the thermostat, they needed a new housing as well. Now they need a new pipe from the housing as the internal seals are shot. Another couple of days off the road. Luckily I allowed a "substantial budget" for the job having paid around £6k for the car a couple of months ago for unknown problmes. I've used a local non-specialist garage this time rather than my LR indy for comparison. I suppose the indy knows what to order and the buggeration factor as they're doig them all the time. I've also come to the conclusion that at about 125,000 miles these cars are designed for the mega-rich to throw away and get a new one for tax reasons.
The next expense will be suspension arms and bushes, then brakes, the usual items that wear out, but it's still a nice car.