weird stuff you can find on ebay

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slob said:
and if you don't like my endless stream of crap use the ignore button ya fooking fat greasy 12 sandwich eating baldy french hating **** saying dosey git. now **** off and leave me alone

Is there anything you have missed out?:D
don't worry bigstoo its only some septic that don't know the difference between living somewhere and being a native. i'm as british as haggis and neeps
So you're not Irish then. You're frankly no more Irish than Slob is French or I'm Scots (yes, family name, a tartan & a pathetic castle/folly near Dundee........but I'm still a bleedin' sassenach, and a soft, southern b*stard to boot, through & through AAAND proud of it!). Why DO Americans do that?
Though it is endlessly amusing that a post about ebay on a forum about Land Rovers can end up after 18 pages on the subject of national heritage!

Up the Provo's, we're having a rally!
...................? You were born there, you have an American passport, er....that's American in my book. There's been various nationalities settling there for over 200 years. Build a bridge, get over it & stop sending money to Gerry adams! Jeesh, Australians don't say "I'm not an Australian, I'm a criminal coz' my granpa woz one"!
What does it say on your passport? If you were born there you could have applied for dual nationality (or at least your folks coulda' had they wanted, but I'd guess they wanted to you be a proud American).